Vintage Wooden Pencil Case

I wonder if any of you had one of these wooden pencil cases.  They are probably still available, but this one dates from when my brother and I were at school in the early 60s.  You can see that it has been well used!

The lid slid out and then the top part swivelled to reveal the lower part.

There was a separate space for  a sharpener.  They didn't really hold a lot of pencils and were heavy to carry around in your school bag. 

This reads E and J - my brother and I used to fight over this a lot and eventually we decided that we would share it.  Wonder why I ended up with it?  Wonder if he wants it back?

Love, Liz
If you dislike rats, then don't read The Greenockian's latest blog post!


Mum said…
I remember it well. Those and stiff leather satchels.
Love from Mum
Gosh! yes Liz I so remember these wooden pencil cases much better than what they get least I think so. Ours were handed down from sister to sister...actually there were 3 on the go in my house as we were 6 sisters. I got my eldest sister's when she went to nursing college...what ever happened to it???
I'd treasure it now :-)

keep well

Amanda :-)
Robyn of Oz said…
I love the wooden pencil case and yours is in very good condition. Here in Australia, kids seem to violate stuff quite heavily. Why I have never understood, having grown up in the 60s when defacing anything was a sign of being a bit of an idiot.
You've peaked my interest about your Greenokian post. I'm a bit iffy on rats, but now I will have to have a look!
yes I had one.....wish I still had the above satchel
GardenOfDaisies said…
Oh, that sibling rivalry! :-) I remember using empty cigar boxes to keep our pencils and crayons in our desk.
Anne said…
My brother David had one exactly the same! I used to prefer fabric pencil cases. Its probably still in my parents loft!
Hello Liz, how nice that you still have it. I remember those, but I don't think I ever had one. Hope it's not too Baltic up there! Love Linda x
Rose H (UK) said…
Aah yes, memories are flooding back Liz!
Rose H
I had one of these, and a satchel.....I feel old! :) x
Anne said…
I used to have one of those. I loved it. I suspect my mum got rid of mine when I wasn't looking. *sigh*
A nice treasure from those old school days! Didn't they make things so sturdy then. I had a little plaid cloth one that had holes to be snapped in a binder. Always loved getting those new school supplies. So nice that you still have yours - love the scribbles. :)
I had one similar, but it was a "roll top" style with Japanese art painted on the lid. The lid rolled underneath the tray, but the inside tray looked like yours. I saw my case at my dad's recently, but it's nicely mangled now :[ Wendy
Patricia said…
Gosh what memories this has brought back. Remember it well. I also have a wooden ruler that two of us shared, with all sorts of doodling on it plus our initials of course.
Unknown said…
Don't let him have it back its fabulous :-) dee
Curtise said…
I love these, although they aren't the most practical of objects... but so very nostalgic! xxx
I remember these from my childhood and that I always wanted one. I think that I swapped a new pencil case for one with my friend. I was so delighted but I bet my parents weren't that I swapped the new case that they just bought me!!
Marjorie said…
Love the pencil box. Wish I had one.
Daisy Debs said…
Yes ! I had one .... parents wer given very strict instructions to buy their child a Parker pen with an Osmoroid nib ... and we,d have a couple of pencils ,a pencil sharpener, a rubber and maybe a compass in there . It was all you needed really ....and then someone invented felt tip pens and then you needed giant furry pencil cases and rubber jelly monsters to stick on top of your pencils and coloured biros which pulled apart and twisted up and all sorts ! lol ! : ) Happy memories !

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