
It is a miserable, rainy day here in Greenock and there was nothing in the cupboards I fancied for lunch.  What's a girl to do?

Make some scones, of course!

You can see how unevenly my oven cooks things!
Took five minutes to make and then some time in the oven.  Didn't bother with a poncy cutter - just made a rough circle with the dough and cut out wedges!

A hot cuppa and scone (actually that's my second one!)straight from the oven with the butter melting - what could be nicer on such a day.

Love, Liz


Anne said…
There's nothing like a warm scone to make a dreich day better, Liz. :o)
Sounds and looks perfectly delicious, Liz!
his_girl_friday said…
Mmm... I want scones!
Looks even better on the choices you used for dishes to eat off of!
Perfect rainy day food. I haven't seen scones cut into wedges before. xo
Connie said…
Yum yum yummy!!!!!
Robyn of Oz said…
I think you made the perfect lunch. They look scrummy! :)
Olga Rani said…
I am a big fan of scones! Usually I prefer them for breakfast but to have a couple for lunch is good too.
Claire said…
Ah, a woman after my own heart.....can't beat a scone warm from the oven with lashings of something on it.
Perhaps you could freeze some of the leftovers for next time Liz......

CLaire x
Vintage Jane said…
Looks just perfect ... and great idea cutting them into wedges! M x
Jo said…
It's hard to beat a scone fresh from the oven with some better.
Lovely, you cannot beat a nice fresh from oven scone..
M x
Vix said…
I love those non-poncy scones! I'm tempted to whip up some cheese and chive ones now I've drooled over yours! x
Curtise said…
That sounds like the perfect way to deal with a dreary wet day! The scones look delicious. xxxx
Little Nell said…
That's exactly how I make them Liz, and now you've set me off - they're just as scrummy in the warm sunshine of Lanzarote! Never read a post like this when you're hungry :)
Patricia said…
Mmmmm definitely something for my comfort zone too. They look heavenly.
Patricia x
Annie Cholewa said…
Yum! Guess who just might be making scones for her lunch, but it'll be cheesy ones for me.

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