Open Doors!

Had a fabulous weekend - it was Doors Open Day weekend here in Greenock.

There were so many interesting venues to choose from.  On Saturday I visited the Wellpark Mid Kirk church in Greenock which I had been in before, but hadn't really taken the time to investigate.  The stained glass windows were absolutely amazing!  Its a great chance to take lots of photos and act like a tourist in your own town!

On Sunday I was part of a Greenock Cemetery walk - I got the opportunity to talk about some of the research work I had done on various interesting graves - including Walter Washington Buchanan, George Washington's godson who I've blogged about before.  There are some very interesting people buried in Greenock Cemetery!

I really didn't think that the walk would go ahead as the weather was dreadful here on Sunday, but we went anyway, and I think those who came along enjoyed it!  So, that's why I've not been blogging quite so regularly, been so busy doing research, which I love!

Might have a bit more time for blogging now.

Love, Liz


Beautiful stained glass, it's quite breathtaking isn't it :) x
Mum said…
It's great when home town buildings open their doors. I think I'll do the cemetery walk next year, it sounds interesting. Beautiful stained glass windows.
Love from Mum
Paulette said…
I have been to several cemetery walks in my hometown and have enjoyed the knowledge I gaied from it. The presenters were knowledgeable and entertaining. I'm sure all of your historical dective work was appreciated by your audience. Love church windows, thanks for sharing.
Anne said…
I love stained glass windows and especially when they are in old churches.
Anne said…
It was Open Doors day here too last weekend but it was pouring rain so we didn't go anywhere. We're hoping to do some places at the Edinburgh Open Doors weekend on the 29th. Let's hope it doesn't pour with rain that day!
sky-blu-pink said…
Great pics, especially the stained glass, wish I lived nearer as I love historical walks!
Rachael said…
Love those stained glass shots, I a big fan of stained glass, it's something I could spend hours looking at!
Anonymous said…
Greenock sounds interesting. I imagine most towns are if you take the time. How fun to research your town's history!
Olga Rani said…
Those glass windows are amazing!
Patricia said…
We have an Open doors day here in London this weekend and hopefully will get a chance to go. I simply love stained glass windows and the stories must have helped the many illiterates in the congregation hundreds of years ago.
Patricia x
Curtise said…
Can't beat a good cemetery, and I do love stained glass. I like the idea of being a tourist in one's own town, it makes you see things you previously overlooked or didn't appreciate. xxxx
Rose H (UK) said…
Stunning stained glass Liz - thank you for sharing it with us :o)
Rose H
Catherine said…
Hello Liz,

It was "héritage Day" here last Sunday and I had a nice time visiting a castle garden. Love your stained glass.
Lovely weekend.

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