Vintage Linen Charity Shop Finds

Not just one lucky charity shop find, but two!

The first was a small vintage embroidered tablecloth.  The colours are still lovely and vibrant.

Very pretty florals.

The second is larger and the colours are more muted and faded, but still in wonderful condition.

That's all I've found in the last two weeks!!!!!  Saw a Royal Vale tea set in a charity shop - nice, but nothing out of the ordinary - priced at £30, could hardly believe my eyes, especially as nothing else in the entire shop was priced at more than £5!  In another charity shop I saw a tiny little plastic basket with unmatched pieces of china - 75p each, but there was no room on the shelf to take them out and have a look at them - so I'm guessing it won't be long until they are all chipped because people are having to dig to the bottom of the tub to see what's there!  Grrrrr .....!

Enough moans - I'll just enjoy my lovely linen.

Love, Liz


ButterandBuntings said...

These are so pretty! Great find!

Vintage Jane said...

Sadly, the charity shops here have become so expensive that I hardly ever bother looking in them anymore :( M x

Paulette said...

How lovely hand embroidery is, I like to think of the person sitting in a soft comfortable chair creating a stunning table cloth that would decorate their home.

Anonymous said...

You really can't beat hand embroidery, and what a find to have the colours still so vibrant.

I too don't spend too much time in charity shops these days as they have caught onto the vintage trending and up their prices, but on the other hand it is all going to charity! Dilemma!!!!

Vintage Sheet Addict said...

They are lovely, I saw a beautiful Poole tea set on Monday but it had several chips in it a and at £25 out of my price range anyway! :) x

Anonymous said...

So pretty. D you use the linen you find? I have really cut down buying housewares in France but I love looking for French-made pottery and ceramics. :)

Rose H (UK) said...

Wonderful finds Liz, thank you for sharing them with us :o)
Have a great weekend!
Rose H

Curtise said...

Lovely embroidered linens, what pretty work. I thought of you today, I took some photos at the flea market and there was more vintage china than you could shake a stick at! xxxx

September Violets said...

Your table linens look so pretty! I love finding pieces like this, but must stop looking now as I have a tiny linen cupboard already full. Wendy :)

Protector of Vintage said...

Lovely embroidered cloths!!

Penny said...

How beautiful, my charity shop finds have also been thin on the ground at the moment. I am hoping people will be spring cleaning this weekend and more will be about xox Penny

sky-blu-pink said...

Oh yes! Gorgeous! I'd go back and check the contents of the bucket -and lay them out on the floor!

Miss Simmonds Says said...

I love old embroidered linen, you can still find a it cheaply, these are lovely!

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