Teacups, Largs

Look at all this pretty vintage china!  It belongs to a lovely little teashop in Largs called Teacups.

Its a great place - and has a marvellous atmosphere.  The staff are lovely, very friendly and welcoming.  Look at this cosy little corner, just right for tea for two and a good blether!

I feel at home when I go there because tea is served in lovely mis-matched china, and as for the cakes .... yum!  Their blueberry cake has to be my favourite although the chocolate cake and scones are delicious too!

So, if you find yourself in Largs over the summer - please go and enjoy a cuppa in Teacups, it is a fantastic teashop.

Love, Liz


Connie said…
I love this place!
Ooh Teacups looks very nice. Liking the sound of the blueberry cake. xx
Rachael said…
That places looks great for a sit down and a cuppa!
Just the place I'd love to have a cuppa! :) x
Looks like a lovely little place, tea is always so much nicer from china cup :) xx
Jumble Tree said…
Sounds wonderful! Love the idea of a teashop full of vintage china :)
sky-blu-pink said…
Looks like a wonderul place to take tea. I think your lovely collection could give it a run for its money!
vintage grey said…
Looks like a sweet place!! Happy weekend! xo Heather
Michelle said…
I wish I could join you for tea and blueberry cake! Sounds perfect.
Jo said…
Looks gorgeous! I love little places like that with character. Far better than a boring cuppa from Starbucks.
that place looks so cosy and inviting!
Sounds like a charming little rest stop ... wish I had one in my town. Wendy

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