Vintage Tea Set

I told you yesterday that I had something else to show you ... well here it is!

The rest of the Crown Royal vintage tea set.  Six lovely cups, saucers and little plates. 

All in perfect condition.

With the milk and sugar jug the set came to about £4!!! 

Quite a bargain these days!

Love, Liz

Joining with -
Max at Blackbird Has Spoken for Op-Shop Show Off
and -
Lakota at Faith Hope & Charity Shopping for Ta DaTuesday
come and join the fun!


Jem said…
The colours of those florals are so lovely and what a bargain at £4!

Jem xXx
Hello Liz:
Well, you cannot complain of having been robbed!! Perfectly lovely.
gillyflower said…
Oh what a gorgeous tea set, and a fantastic bargain too - well done you!
I just love the yellow roses!
Enjoy it - will you use it do you think Liz, or keep it for admiring?!
Gill xx
Anonymous said…
Quelle find, Liz, they're beautiful, and so rare to find china unchipped!
*Susycottage* said…
Your cups are really delicious, Liz!
I hope to find so when I come to England.
Love Susy x
That lovely tea set was an absolute steal for £4 - lucky you!
Mum said…
Wowee, definitely a bargain.
Love from Mum
Anne said…
Very pretty china, can you believe people donate such things to charity shops instead of using them!
Used-to-Bees said…
A fabulous find - they would go very well alongside your header lovelies!
Curtise said…
A bargain indeed, and so very pretty! xxx
Max said…
the colours are beautiful, and yay for a beautiful price for a change. nothing beats tea and cakes off matching china-enjoy!
Rose H (UK) said…
What a sweet set Liz, especially when you consider that I've often seen a single cup and saucer dearer that £4!
Have a great week (despite the weather warnings..)
Rose H
sky-blu-pink said…
Amazing! And what a bargain, £4 wouldn't buy you a cup and saucer in London! Love the colours!
June said…
Great find - fab bargain. Just the thing for Spring time tea.
Oh where do you keep all these gorgeous finds!! You must have a massive house.
I wish that lovely vintage things were as easy to find here.
Rosie x
This set is darling! What a bargin!

Danielle : )
vintage grey said…
Such a beautiful tea set!! xo Heather
Heloise said…
Difinitely a bargain Liz. Heloise @daisies and dragonflies
thriftwood said…
I love yellow roses ... what a fabulous (and thrifty) find, Liz!

Have a terrific Tuesday

Claire xxx
gilly said…
Wow, Liz, what a great find! You definitely have the knack. I saw a beautiful tea set the other day, marked at £95 in a so-called "boutique" charity shop!! They must be daft ;-)
Robyn of Oz said…
Nice shopping! It's one sweet set. Good job and I can see you are already getting a great deal of enjoyment out of it.
Unknown said…
Lucky you thats so very pretty, dee x
Little Nell said…
Liz, you do have an eye for a bargain. You'll have to move house soon! I'm just getting properly back into blogging so may have missed some of your posts. I think you'll enjoy my latest make on Tah Dah! Tuesday.
Elizabeth said…
I'm really impressed!
Each piece would be at least that here!
Very pretty! You do find some cool stuff! For nothing! x
Unknown said…
Lovely! I adore tea cups with roses on them! x
Jumble Tree said…
You did so well! They're very pretty. Love tea in a fine china cup x
Anonymous said…
Hello Liz
I have just been catching up with all your wonderful finds..lucky girl
Thea x
£4 is a total bargain for such a pretty set and another reminder of Spring. I can't wait for it!
Love love love the tea set! Thanks for following my blog. Yours is right up my alley so I am a new follower of your now!
Heidi Lisa said…
Aloha! What a lucky find!! Beautiful set. If I close my eyes I can hear the clink, click sound of a spoon stirring up the tea :o)
Allison said…
what a sweetie!....and a bargain...few and far between these days, makes it even sweeter!
Allison x

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