Bunty & Sweets

I was having a rummage yesterday and found a bag of retro sweeties!

I am totally ashamed to admit that these were meant to be in someone's Christmas stocking - I had put them "somewhere safe" and then promptly forgotten all about them!

Am I the only one who does things like that?

Anyway, waste not, want not!
I got out an old Bunty annual and had a total retro experience!

Have to admit that my favourite from the old days was Spangles - does anyone remember the Old English ones - I think they came in liquorice, butterscotch and toffee flavours.  I loved them!

Hope I've brought back a few memories.  And, no - I didn't eat them all!!!!!

Love, Liz


VintageVicki said…
Love those sort of sweets - we went to a 40th birthday party in December and the tables had bowls of retro sweets on there - came home with a hangbag stuff full - having already eaten mountains of sherbet spaceships!!! A total sugar high!!
Fiona said…
Yes, I remember Old English Spangles... and The Four Mary's.
claire said…
i love retro sweeties, i remember Spangles. And remember Pacers...werent they minty chews with green stripes?
I got a box of Drumsticks for Xmas :)
Vintage Jane said…
Brings back memories of walking to school and going into the corner shop to buy ten pence worth of penny and half penny sweeties. I used to love the Parma Violets and Refreshers.
I squirrel things away and then lose them too - last year I hid mum-in-law's birthday away and still haven't found it! M x
My grandparents used to sell all these sorts of sweets and others at their little shop they used to own. We would often work in the shop then get some treats!
Ooh...what a yummy find. I like the Parma violets the best and the drumstick lollipops.
Me too! At the last book club I hosted we had read Toast by Nigel Slater, full of 1970s food, I put on a feast of sweets from our childhood, bit sickly.....but fun! :) x
thriftwood said…
we were talking about Spangles only the other day! I also remember Trillions from the early 60's ... very nostalgic post, I love it! Remember well that you used to get 8 Black Jacks or Fruit Salad for 1d (half a 1p!!) and a big mixed bag for 3d ... am really showing my age now!

Love, Claire xx
miz-bag said…
i love parma violets x and black jacks and i would have loved a jackie or twinkle album x
Vix said…
Jon's addicted to these, they don't last 5 minutes if I get them from Poundland! x
Yeah, I remember Spangles but not the olde English ones. I used to like Spangles but not parma violets - ugh no! Bunty and Mandy were my favourite mags. xx
Robyn of Oz said…
How's this for awful, Liz? I forgot all about my husband's Xmas gift this year. I had bought it months ago, but because we had decided not to really worry about presents for each other, I completely forgot until the middle of January when I came across them in the hiding place I'd forgotten about!
I'm quite happy to share your stash with you! ;) XX
June said…
I remember Refreshers and Bozooka chewing gum. I also liked Love Hearts. I didn't like Parma Violets. My absolute favourite were Jelly Tots.
Mrs. H said…
Welcome to my world Liz, I do this all the time, I think it's referred to as a senior moment!!!
: )
Juliab said…
Mmmm, refreshers and drumsticks are my favourites. Can't stand parma violets but used to love Pacers (spearmint flavoured chewy sweets), alas they don't make them anymore. Probably just as well! x
vintage grey said…
How fun are these!! Such sweet treasures! xo Heather
Plain Jane said…
You can't beat a parma violet! I had a box of paper dolls and outfits that I would routinely cut from the back page of Bunty. I brought them out when my girls were little (yes sadly I had kept hold of them) and they had hours of fun x
I hide cadburys creme eggs (from my husband) and then happily find them when you can't get them in the shops! x
Anne said…
I do remember spangles!! Whatever happened to them? My favourite sweets were and still are Lions midget gems.No other make will do.
Also loved Bunty and my mum still has a tartan scarf I won from the comic!
Ruth Kelly said…
I hid things from myself as well.
50 and counting said…
Every year the safe place disappears! This results in me around December 29th delivering those items.

My kids now think it's a carefully laid plan to stretch out the gift giving.
Used-to-Bees said…
I'm thinking of Black Jacks and Fruit Salads now - I loved the latter especially. Parma Violets always got left till desperation set in, but I love them now, and some of the children at school know and will save me them from their party bags! Ah!
Linda said…
I'm still searching for the nail varnish I bought off t'interweb to put in my grown up daughter's stockings (Yup all three insist on a "stocking" each year even though none of them now live at home!) I know I put them somewhere "safe", but it's so safe they have yet to surface. I remember Spangles, not the Old english ones tho'. For some reason the very thought of Spangles took me back to visits to my Aunt Mary's, funny how things bring back odd memories.
Curtise said…
Can't beat some retro sweeties! I do remember Spangles, and Black Jacks and Fruit Salads and Sherbert Fountains. Parma Violets were always too perfumed for my taste, but Refreshers - now you're talking! xxx
Max said…
your making me feel hungry (i would have eaten the lot). ahh them were the days, we had comics and sweets every thurday after school-loved it!
Miss Magpie said…
We always used to have Spangles on a car journey! I am pretty sure there were friut flavoured ones too as they were my Dad's favourite at the time.
I so remember all of those sweets. I used to love those refreshers and the fizzers. And I read to Bunty too, along with the Beano and Dandy. Now i read them with my kids.
Rosie xx
Frocktasia said…
Retro sweets are the best. I absolutely love parma violets, black jacks and refreshers and and and. Growing up in Sweden it was all about salty licorice or salmiak as it is also known, you'd buy penny sweets called 'Harlortar' which translates to hare droppings because that is what they look like...some people who don't like salty licorice would probably argue that they taste like poop too...x
The Custards said…
How lovely - I am fond of Parma Violets myself. Bronte is a huge fan of Bunty and we regularly read old copies - Four Marys is our favourite but not so keen in the more 'modern' editions as we don't like the drawings so much. Sad but true!
Best wishes
mmm I love those sweets and I definitely would've scoffed the lot, especially when distracted by reading!
Robyn of Oz said…
Question, Liz : do the parma violets turn your tongue blue?
I live in Oz and I've never seen them before. Fizzers I am well acquainted with. The job was to try and get the contents of the packet down the hatch in one go, or if you were refined, you would eat all the yellows, greens, oranges etc in some sort of order.
I hope they were enjoyed.
sky-blu-pink said…
Oh yes! Old English spangles! I can taste them now! Whatever happened to Texan bars? My sister's favourite was Caramac, too sweet or me, and I see they have brought that back!
Catherine said…
Hello Liz,
I loved the sweets I ate when I first went to England in1968, I was very, very fond of English sweets!
Good weekend
Unknown said…
HI,my sister had the Bunty and I had Mandy,fizzers and spangles,yum yum!and your teaset,beautiful,I am MAD about teasets and have a house FULL!!!Last August I used LOADS of my collection at my daughters wedding reception in a barn,it looked marvellous even though I say so myself!I am not supposed to be collecting anymore but I am a CHINAHOLIC!! and got a lovely little pink roses set of cups and saucers from our local flea market.Kind regards Pam.
Kezzie said…
Mmmmm, yes please!!!
Hey Liz! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment AND for following me! How kind! I shall be returning the favour as soon as I've left this! Love your blog, looks very exciting, all these finds!!! Tis lovely to ‘meet’ you!
Everydaythings said…
just found your blog, and loving it! yes I remember spangles, my dad worked for Mars and we used to get bags of them, I even remember eating them for breakfast once! I used to love bunty, and have an old annual here and also LOVED jackie magazine, that was our main source of any info back then!

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