Great Floral Finds!

I had a great  piece of luck when I was out charity shopping yesterday.

I found my first piece of tapestry - well, first at a reasonable price.  Any others I've seen recently have been priced well out of my price range!

Very pretty - pansies, I think.

Then, in the same shop, a lovely little vintage Crown Royal milk jug and sugar bowl.  Once again it was sensibly priced and not out of my league, which seems to have been the case recently as far as charity shop pricing has been concerned!

I've more to show you ..... later!!!!  Enjoy what's left of the weekend.

Love, Liz


sky-blu-pink said…
Lovely lovely! Pansies to herald the spring, and to take tea with the floral jug and sugar bowl will be such a dainty pleasure
Hello Liz:
What lovely treasures! The tapestry is beautifully done and the frame looks to be in good order too. A definite find!

As you say, finding inexpensive things at charity shops is becoming more and more difficult. One can see that perhaps before too long things will be priced out of the market!
Val said…
Sweet finds! I love the Pansies needlepoint. :)
Both are so pretty. I do needlepoint so I know how much time goes into making a piece ~ you were lucky to find such a nice one.
Heidi Lisa said…
Yup! Those are Pansies! Love the colors :o) They just look upside down, or is it just me?
Robyn of Oz said…
Brilliant shopping! Love the creamer and sugar bowl. Well done you! Enjoy the rest of your weekend as well.
Fiona said…
Well done on your pretty finds, I couldn't agree more about some charity shop prices.
Lovely finds yet again, Liz. Do I say that very time I leave a comment ? I think I do! Xx
Paulette said…
Such a pretty tapestry, yellow and purple are my favorite color combinations. Will you hang it or do you have a project in mind? If I had it I would hang it on the wall and drink a cup of coffee in the beatutiful cup and just stare at the tapestry.
Vix said…
Suck pretty finds, like Spring's on the way! x
you always find the prettiest things! I love flower tapestries!
Sarah said…
Hi Liz, thank you for your comment :) wow what a beautiful blog you have here. The singer on the right there particularly beaut. You got some great scores at the charity store. I would love to dabble in a little tapestry, and drink tea from crown royal as we do it.
Unknown said…
Hello Liz,
A women after my own heart.
When visiting Wales I loved poking about charity shops I was able to find china flower arrangements for a couple of pounds.

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