Table Transformation

I've had my hall table for ages and, to be honest, it was just a dumping ground for keys, mobile phones, gloves etc - nothing very special.  But it has, as you can see, been transformed - all thanks to Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.

I'd read that you could use this paint straight away without previously preparing the item you were going to paint.  Of course, I thought it was, perhaps, too good to be true!  But - it is true - I just got the paintbrush out and started.

Before painting.
The paint went on like a dream, and you can water it down if it starts to get a bit thick.  There's no nasty smell and you can wash your brush in soapy water once you have finished.

After allowing the paint to dry (which doesn't take long), I gave the table a rub down with Annie Sloan Soft Wax, which again is so easy to use.  This gives a protective finish to the table.

Then the good part - deciding what to put on the table!

I got my paint from Iconic Home in Troon - a lovely little shop and well worth a visit if you are in the area.

My next challenge is my dining table and six chairs!  Phew, I'm going to be busy!

Love, Liz

This is not a sponsored post - I just love the product and wanted to tell you about it - makes life so much easier for those of us who love painted furniture! 


**Anne** said…
Your table is gorgeous, I love the colour and the different ways you styled it too.
Isn't lovely to find a product that actually lives up to its name. Looking forward to seeing the table and chairs.
Anne xx
Vintage Jane said…
I agree ... this paint is wonderful but does need the protective wax otherwise it tends to rub off as I found on my skirting boards. m x
A fabulous transformation, Liz. I thought about making my own chalk paint. There's a recipe for it somewhere on the internet involving plaster of paris (which I happen to have). xx
Mum said…
What a transformation. You could have a different display every week. Each one looks good.
Love from Mum
Becky said…
Chalk paint!! Good to know! Part of what used to stop me from deciding to do a furniture painting DIY project was the idea of all the prep work. Going to have to check this stuff out.
Thanks for the info! The table is so lovely now!
Becky :)
gilly said…
Your table looks fab, Liz - good job!
I've been dying to try the Annie Sloan paints for ages - it gets such good reports. Currently have 2 charity shop finds in the garage, just waiting to be done.
Have a great week,
Deborah said…
I love it, so gorgeous, a wonderful make over :) well done sweetie, hope you have a happy week

Bee happy x
Trudie said…
That looks so pretty and such lovely colours - I painted my kitchen table legs and 4 chairs last summer with Farrow and Ball - it took some time and a lot of patience - Good luck with yours - hope you will show us when you're finished xx
thriftwood said…
Beautiful Liz ... but then me and Annie are best friends!

Love Claire xxx
Anonymous said…
Liz, it's lovely - so much more special with the paint. Looks like you're having fun styling it too! Xo
Your table has turned out beautifully! Sounds fantastic to be able to use it with no preparation too. x
The Chimney Pot said…
Your table looks lovely! Im a big fan of Annie Sloan too, it saves so much prep time and looks fantastic - any busy Mum's dream!! Looking forward to seeing your dining table xx
Plain Jane said…
I've used chalk paint before but was disappointed at how quickly it started to look a bit iffy - never thought of using wax on top! Brilliant tip x Jane
Wow, it looks so lovely!! And that kind of paint sounds GREAT! Good luck with your table and chairs :-)
Fiona said…
Love your transformation.
What an improvement! The table looks really fantastic and I must say rather posher and more expensive than before! I love the paints, investigating the shop now!
It's great isn't it? I love the fact it doesn't smell. Your table is completely transformed and looks fab.
sky-blu-pink said…
Absolutely gorgeous! What a great look, and without the hard work of multiple coats sanded in between! And love the things on the table as well, from your totally enviable collection!
claire said…
love it! ive wanted to do this to furniture for ages but never get around to it, plus i'm scared!!
Scarlet said…
That's fabulous! So many beautiful vignettes with your lovely things.
Rose H (UK) said…
It's AMAZING what a coat of paint will do Liz :o)
I love the finished table and what sweet things you have to display on it.
Rose H
vintagemovement said…
Fab makeover! xx Tina
Anonymous said…
Your table is lovely Liz, truly transformed
I love Annie Sloan paint..I have a few things in need of a coat too!
Thea x
Connie said…
Amazing what a little paint can do! Fab!
Robyn of Oz said…
Absolutely gorgeous and very stylish. What a difference paint makes, and this stuff sounds wonderful. I don't know if it's here in Aus, but what a wonderful idea. It would save so much time over preparation of items.
*Susycottage* said…
Hello Liz,
I hear this often Annie Sloan,
April I come to England and take a
can of this paint I have intrigued!
Good result, it does wonders shabby
Love Susy x
vintage grey said…
So beautiful!! Love all your sweet treasures!! xo Heather
miz-bag said…
that is such a transformation! i love your china...thank you so much for all the comments on my blog...i am adding you to my blog roll and am looking forward to a quite five mins when i can sit and back read your blog...looks like everything i love ... sidmouth poppy x
Yay! It looks great! It's a lovely shape to begin with and I like it so much more painted!
Love it, turned out great! And I love your tabletop accessories!
Patricia said…
Liz it's absolutely gorgeous, I love it.
Your console table looks beautiful! It will be so fun to change up now!!
Marjorie said…
The table looks wonderful now.
Jacqui Wise said…
A great transformation and I love your table top arrangement of beautiful objects. I do like to up-cycle old furniture if I can too. Did you ever get to do your table and chairs?

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