A Royal Lady 1938

I found this booklet in among some old magazines.  Its from 1938 and has lots of pictures of the then Queen Elizabeth and her daughters.  It was given out with the magazine Woman and Home.

Some of the pictures are just so sweet.

Lovely images of a bygone time.

Looks as if you could cross the Atlantic in this pram!

Love, Liz


**Anne** said…
Aren't those photos gorgeous! I love that pram, you could have a real good time in there. Plenty of room to stretch out the legs and move around.
Anne xx
Kezzie said…
That perumabulator (snigger!) is HUGE! What a lovely book- so funn to see the Royal Family ladies as young things!!!
Deborah said…
Looks like a great book, love the pictures :) hope you have a great week sweetie

Bee happy x
Max said…
I do love all the variants on 'bobbed' hair, i'd love to get mine done in a slightly waved version but i think my local hairdresser would laugh if i took in a pic of the queen mum circa 1938 and said give me one of those!
Vix said…
Wasn't she a beautiful child? x
Love the look of royals days gone by, thanks!
What fun photos, and that pram ~ wonderful!
Mum said…
It certainly is a tank of a pram.
Love from Mum
Connie said…
She was the prettiest little girl. I'm waiting for those genes to pop up one of these days in the royal off spring. Wouldn't that be great?
Hello and thankyou for popping by my blog and for your kind words , i love your photos ,i just love black and white photos
My Mum was given a similar book for a birthday, and she treasured it so much as a child!.
Very lovely old photos. I bet the pages feel and smell lovely!
If you had a small baby you could lose it in that pram! Love these photos they're so sweet, they were such lovely looking children x

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