Knitting Pattern Posers

I love old knitting patterns - especially the poses and expressions of the models.

How very haughty!

Interesting couples.  Some are just so funny.


I'll leave you to add your own caption to this one!
Love, Liz


Scarlett said…
I love old patterns too! You just can't beat those poses- classic! Scarlett x
Anonymous said…
I just snap my fingers and he comes running.
Plain Jane said…
It wasn't until I got to the fourth picture that I realised you had added the captions - I thought they were some strange seventies marketing campaigns! Love these pictures x Jane
thriftwood said…
Haha, they're all a bit nudge nudge!

You've cheered me up, thanks Liz xxx
Just catching up! Brill photos, I've got some too, hilarious! I love the little table you've painted! :) x
Connie said…
So funny. Whenever someone compliments me on an outfit I'll go into a 60's/70's pose...fake surprise, point at sky, sassy hands on hips...most people think I'm nuts. I think I'm hysterical. The last caption "My hair is better than your hair."
Louise Mc said…
One of the things I love about my vintage patterns are the poees, they are so cheesy
gilly said…
Tee hee - your captions gave me a good giggle. They do seem to take it all very seriously, don't they!
eccentriclady said…
Yeah, the poses are great!
The last one... I thought about: 'See, with this wig he thinks I am a woman' ;-)
I have a couple of great ones, I must dig them out. Who knew 'double knitting' was an euphemism?
Imogen said…
I love this post! Some of their expressions are just so comical! :) x
Maria said…
Ooh I have the caption..." Is your Sweater itching You like mine love"...Thanks for making me smile Liz :)hehe...Love Maria x
Rose H (UK) said…
Hilarious :o)
Missing caption?
If he doesn't unhand me I'll land him a fourpenny one!
Curtise said…
Brilliant, aren't they? I pick up old patterns in charity shops - can't knit, I use them to make birthday cards with my own hilarious captions, usually featuring the name of the recipient and usually highly vulgar... xxxx
I have some older ones (B&W) and they're just as bad. All the men with vests are in horse riding gear, or something outdoorsy, with their male friends. As a kid I was so curious about the lovely poised feet from the sock patterns. And everyone was just so gosh darned beautiful and happy!! This was a great post. Wendy
Rachael said…
Haha your captions are great!
I love your captions! The poses on these old patterns are always funny. I like it when they grin inanely into the distance. That last one looks like the woman's being restrained a bit! xxx
I love these. The second one looks like his poking her in the eye!!
Sarah said…
Ha! These just crack me up. Fun post!
Lizzi said…
I knitted that cardigan on the second pattern! I wore it for ages.
Marjorie said…
Neat. I have a thing for old Paton's patterns. Thanks.

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