Museums and Memories

I love Museum shops - you can get the most amazing reproduction vintage bits and bobs!

I got some great things at the People's Palace, Glasgow.  Fabulous vintage advertising postcards and tins.  Love this tea caddy.  The Cath Kidston mug was part of my gorgeous Christmas present from my son and daughter in law.

As for the museum itself ... well ... I know museums are trying really hard to attract youngsters by providing lots of "hands on" activities.  But I feel that somewhere along the way they have lost a lot of the atmosphere I can remember from when I was young.  To my young mind museums were full of fascinating and wonderful things that sent me back home to my encyclopaedias and the local branch library to find out more about them.
I can still remember the muffled silence and the smell of polish and age of our local museum as I wandered around totally in awe of everything I could see, and at the same time excited by what I would discover in the next display case. 

My recent visit to the People's Palace was spoiled by lots of unruly children (where were their parents/carers?) pushing in front of me when I was trying to look at exhibits, shouting to their friends and running around.  A friend and I sat to watch and listen to a video clip of the history of the local prison which was totally spoiled by kids running in and out of the little room trying to climb the door of the mock prison cell to shout too their friends on the other side.  I won't be back there for a very long time!

Anyway, enough of the rant!  My favourite part of the visit was the exhibit about the "steamie" or public washhouse, where women went to do their washing. 
When I saw this pram, it reminded me of a photograph of my brother (what a chubby little boy he was!)and I in a similar pram.  I actually remember the colour of that little basket I'm holding - it was yellow, I loved it and took it everywhere with me, and my Dad used to sing that song "A Tisket a Tasket" to me.

Love, Liz


Linda said…
My mam had a pram like the one in your photo when I was young. That pram was kept for years after we were too big for it and used to transport any number of things, coal, a "Guy" my brother made to wheel round the houses asking for a "penny for the guy" and even at one point when my mam decided to move from one street, to the next street because it was a better house, we moved the whole contents of the house using that pram!
That would be so interesting to see. You two are very cute. I love my mug from the Imperial War Museum that has WWII advertising on it,
Unknown said…
Its nice to take a trip down memory lane love the last photo. I havent been to a musuem since my boys were little when they used to put workshops on in the summer holiday they always loved them. dee x
Connie said…
What a fun museum! I Always head straight to the gift shops in museums. They are just as fascinating as the exhibits.
21 Wits said…
Excellent post, glad you shared it!
sky-blu-pink said…
Sounds like a fascinating place to go, maybe not at half term! Love the photo of you and your brother - what bonny children you were!
Mum said…
I'm with you on children's unruly behaviour in museums and also libraries. Many people think that children have to have noise and bright buttons to press in order to learn. Bring back the peace and quiet in these places - I'm sure it would open up the doors to more thoughtful listening and learning especially if parents stay around to explore with the children and not leave them to be occupied with someone or something else. Rant over.
Love from Mum
Curtise said…
Is it half term in Scotland? It is here, so I guess there are lots of kids being taken to free/cheap places like museums by harassed parents! Perhaps a visit mid-week in term time would be better?
I do like the changes in museums, the city museum here in Sheffield has been refurbished brilliantly - all the same stuff, just displayed more imaginatively and yes, lots of interaction.
The photo of you and your brother in the pram is brilliant! I had just the same style of knitted bonnet when I was a baby! xxxxx
Patricia said…
What a lovely post Liz and such memories. I also like browsing round the shop as they seem to sell different bits than outside in the high street.
Patricia x
gilly said…
That's a great pic, Liz - love your pram! I always remember my Gran saying "ye'll be the talk o the steamie" !
Have you been to the Transport Museum in Glasgow? Definitely worth it.
I need to learn to appreciate museums a bit more. Love what youve seen here. Lucky you for having that lovely Cath Kidston mug! So pretty.
vintage grey said…
Sweet little carriage, and adorable photo of you and your brother!! So cute! xo Heather
Robyn of Oz said…
I'm hering you, Liz. As a parent I wouldn't put up with my boys running rampant in public places like that. It would be a quick swat and straight back home for them - and they knew it, so they didn't do it.
I honestly don't think their parents really care whether or not their little darling is a pain to others, as long as they aren't giving them the irrits. They were probably in the museum cafe having a peaceful latte while the brats terrorised the patrons.
I had a coat very similar to the one you are wearing, except the collar of it as brown. It may have been velvet, but I cannot be sure. I think it was given to my mum by an English friend of hers. If only we'd kept it, it could be gracing one of my granddaughters by now! :)
BTW, I enjoy your rant as it makes us all feel a little better that we are not alone.
I cannot even imagine having to go to wash house now. I am cranky as is with my chores! We have it made. That picture of you with your brother is wonderful! I love that stroller :)
Unknown said…
Hi,I love the photo of you and your brother,sooo cute,my cousin had a pram just like that one.'bye for now Pam.

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