Halfpenny Earrings

My son got me these gorgeous earrings for my birthday (which was ages ago) and I've been meaning to show them off.  (Edited to say that lots of hints were dropped and website pointed out - my son is very thoughtful, but sometimes men just need a little help. don't you think?!)

They are by Louise Pringle who makes the most beautiful and unusual jewellery from vintage watches, charms and other bits and pieces.  Check out her website here.

I love anything to do with ships and the sea, so these are ideal for me.  They are made from old halfpennies with the wonderful image of a sailing ship.  Attached are little anchors. 

But what makes them even more special is that, purely by coincidence, one of the halfpennies is from twelve years before I was born while the other is dated twelve years after I was born!!

How amazing is that - its just as if they were made for me! 

Love, Liz


Vintage Jane said…
They are gorgeous and so unusual. What a lovely son you have ...
M x
Kylie said…
They are gorgeous Liz, what a thoughtful son you've got. The perfect present for you on all counts. Now, what I really want to see is a pic of YOU wearing them!
Are you up for it?
Elisabeth said…
Lovely earrings and the coincidence with the years is great! I bought my dad some cuff links with six pences from the year he was born a couple of years ago. I love the idea of using old coins for accesories :) Elisabeth x
Biba said…
Indeed they were - they're beautiful, you'll be the envy of any company :) Your son must know you very well to get you such a wonderful present!
Robyn of Oz said…
They really are beautiful earrings and what lovely coins! I especially like the ship on the tails side as well.
She's a very talented jewellery artist. I'm sure they will give you a lot of pleasure for many years to come.
Vix said…
Those are the sweetest earrings, what a lovely gift! x
These are so nice!! What a thoughtful son you have ;) I'll have to check out the link. This might be an idea for our discontinued penny! Wendy
I've gone back to edit the post because, although my son is very thoughtful, I did send out a lot of hints about this gift!
Anonymous said…
I love them Liz they are so unusual..
Son's need a little guiding in the right direction sometimes
Thea x
They are so sweet. You don't really drop hints, just gently push in the right direction.
They are really lovely, and have found the perfect home. Something's are just meant to be :)
Curtise said…
What unusual earrings, they are lovely - how clever of your son to pick up on those hints! xxxx
**Anne** said…
Your earrings are as beautiful as they are unique. I love the creativity that some people have, the ability to take the ordinary and create something wonderful.
Anne xx
sky-blu-pink said…
What fantastic original earrings - love them! A great present!
Connie said…
These are so clever. And what a sweet son..he pays attention!
Olga Rani said…
Oh, they are so beautiful and unique!
What a sweet gift. I love those. That is so cool about the 12 years before and twelve years after your birth date! Amazing :)
Patricia said…
The earrings are gorgeous. I like the fact that you have both the Queen and her father King George featured. Great gift. Have a great weekend.
Patricia x
Linda said…
Oh! Those are very cool! the boy did good!
they're really wonderful earrings, I love the connection between the anchors and the ships on the back. xxxx

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