Crochet Neapolitan Baby Blanket

I loved crocheting this little baby blanket.

When I showed you the colours previously, many remarked that it looked like Neapolitan ice cream.  I used to love that when I was little.  I remember it came in a long slab and it was such a treat to get three flavours - vanilla, raspberry and chocolate - instead of just the usual vanilla.  It seemed so exotic in those days - whereas now you can have ice cream in just about any flavour you wish!

I'm very pleased with how this turned out.  Had a moment of panic near the end when I realised that I didn't have much of the main creamy white colour left!  I was so scared I was going to run out for the last square.  Phew, so glad there was enough!  Has that ever happened to you?

New dilemma - what colour combo for the next one??????

 Joining with Lakota at Faith Hope & Charity Shopping for TaDa! Tuesday.
Love, Liz


Fiona said…
What a gorgeous blanket. I'm doing granny squares for my spare bed so far I've done twelve! I'm using oddments of wool and have run out a couple of times before I've done a round and had to unpick. Hope to see your next project soon.
GardenOfDaisies said…
Oh my goodness, those do look like icecream colors. Sweet colors for a darling baby.
Elisabeth said…
Lovely blanket! Funnily enough, my mum sent me a photo today of a baby coat she's just knitted and said how it looks like neapolitan ice cream - the colours she has used are virtually identical to yours! Elisabeth x
Vix said…
It is like ice cream! the colours look lovely together! x
Dawn said…
Lovely colours and you're right, just like Neopolitan icecream - chocolate was always my favourite stripe! Do they still make it I wonder?
I love this baby blanket. It looks so sweet. I've been working on one for months!! Can you believe that? I'm just so easily distracted.
Anonymous said…
Your blanket is so must be very proud
Thea x
Lovely blanket, sweet colors !
Yes, that has happened to me about running out of yarn.
I love the dilemma of choosing the next blanket colors !
Let us know when you finally choose them
What a pretty baby blanket. I agree that the colours look like the ice cream! Wendy
Mum said…
Choosing colours is certainly not a dilemma - it's a very exciting task!
Love from Mum
Jumble Tree said…
Gorgeous Liz! Really like the mix of square sizes as well as the ice cream shades x
sky-blu-pink said…
I still love Neopolitan ( or neolopitan, as we called it, after Eth in The Glums!) ice cream, and this lovely blanket is almost edible!!
Curtise said…
A sweet ice cream sundae of a blanket! It looks beautiful. I always liked Raspberry Ripple ice cream best as a kid, plain old Vanilla wasn't exciting enough! xxx
Patricia said…
Lovely blanket and the colour brings back memories of that delicious ice cream. x
It totally is! Did you ever see The Simpsons episode where Homer just eats the chocolate part and then yells 'Marge! We need more strawberry, vanilla and chocolate ice-cream!'?

I was always a fan of that one that had little fudge chunks in, yum.
Robyn of Oz said…
Love the idea and the colours are just lovely.
Pastcaring says she likes raspberry ripple. There was a Sirdar yarn back in the late 60s or early 70s called "Sugar and Spice" and the lovely creamy white had a cheery bright pink through it that is reminiscent of raspberry ripple. It would look awesome as a rug!
**Anne** said…
Your blanket is lovely, the colours go well together.
Anne xx
The Green Lady said…
Hi Liz, I did a whole load of neopolitan granny squares a while ago! Mine were much darker, not as pretty as yours and I didn't do anything with them in the end. So I turned some of them into pin cushions. Hope you are well x
Heather said…
oh yes I remember that! it was completely forgotten to me until just now! Heather x
Really like the way you've alternated the colours in the pattern, that keeps it really interesting. and delicious
Heidi Lisa said…
Looks great Liz! How do you put your squares together? For my next project I want to make a granny circle (different sizes) afghan, but am not sure how to join them.

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