70s Glam!

I've just got back from a fabulous few days in Liverpool.  While I was there I went to see the new exhibition at the Tate Liverpool -

Glam! The Performance of Style

It was amazing!

It covers the years 1971 - 1975 through the art, music, fashion and popular culture of the time.  It really was a trip down memory lane for my SIL and I as we wandered through the fantastic displays and exhibits.  Couldn't take photos, so I've put together a few 70s bits and pieces myself.

We remembered many of the album covers and posters on display and got all nostalgic about the fashions and some of the posters of pop stars of the time - particularly Marc Bolan - wasn't he so handsome?!!  There's lots of more "arty" stuff as well which is actually quite interesting.  For me, though, 70s Glam means Biba - those fashions were just gorgeous!  Check out my post about Biba.

The main reason for the visit, though, was that my little booklet from the Jackie magazine - Your Personality Guide - actually appears in the exhibition!  Yes, I was asked if I would lend it to the Tate!  How cool is that?!!  You can read my post about Jackie here.

If you live near Liverpool, or are visiting soon, and love the music, fashion and art of the early 70s then you really should go and see this exhibition.  It is on till 12 May and well worth a visit.

Love, Liz


**Anne** said…
It certainly sounds like you had a fabulous time at the exhibition. A trip down 70's memory lane is one I would enjoy too!
Anne xx
That exhibition looks right up my street and yeh, it is cool that your Jackie guide was featured in the exhibition. I used to prefer Micky Finn to Marc Bolan in the looks stakes. Phwoarrr! xx
Mum said…
Seventies is my era too. Sadly I won't be able to visit but thanks for the tour.
Love from Mum
Vix said…
I was reading about this in The Guardian, it sounds just up my street! How cool that you loaned your Jackie mag! x
Erna said…
Hello Liz, sounds like a great exhibition..The 70's were so my years..
Erna x
Plain Jane said…
It sounds like a must visit for half term. I never quite 'got' Marc Bolan - he always reminded me of my Aunty Elsie (I think it was the hair!) but I loved things like those personality guides x jane
sky-blu-pink said…
Fab! I was on a study weekend in Liverpool this time last year, shame it wasn't on then, I would have loved this nostalgia trip!!!
Curtise said…
Ooh yes, this exhibition looks fabulous, I'd love to go! Isn't it funny how everything comes around, in time? The 70s were so derided (the decade style forgot, etc etc), yet now so much of the design, fashion and music of those years are seen as cool and glamorous and edgy.
How brilliant that your Jackie booklet was included! xxxx
Thanks for the blast from the past! :) x
vintagemovement said…
Your contribution to the exhibition is so very cool, must have been a sheer thrill to be a contributor at the Tate! x Tina
Connie said…
I had some perfectly hideous stuff from the seventies. I can't believe I gave it away. At the time I thought it was all so awful I couldn't wait to get rid of it. Silly me. Love the link to your Biba post. As an exchange student in London in the 70's I was just bonkers for Biba. My life at home was in the wild west of Montana..cowboys and mountain hippies. Biba was soooooo exotic. I used to skip class just to go hang out there!
Kitty said…
OMG this exhibition sounds amazing, lucky you!
Hi Liz, We were married in 1974 and both my wedding dress and my going away outfits came from Biba - bought one very snowy day from the old Derry and Toms building including lunch in the roof restaurant - magic !!!

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