Grey and Black

Finished knitting another tea cosy!

I've used quite different colours this time - just grey and black.  Not sure?!

I suppose it could add a quirky, retro touch to a trendy black and white kitchen.

Would fit in with a stainless steel kitchen too.

What do you think?

Joining up with Lakota for TaDa! Tuesday - come and join us!

Love, Liz

I went into my blog via Chrome recently and noticed some really annoying pop up ads appearing at the very top.  This is an ad free blog and that should not be happening!  I uninstalled Chrome and hopefully that stopped it.  If you see anything like that on my blog, please let me know.


Erna said…
Love it Liz..
Erna x
Kylie said…
I love your latest cosy Liz. I think it's rather stunning actually.
It's great! I've just picked up a knitting pattern for these, can't knit but just loved the design! :) x
Plain Jane said…
I actually thought you had taken some black and white photos until I looked closely and saw the blue daisies! I think it is a very brave colour choice but it works beautifully - and would be perfect in a stainless steel kitchen x
claire said…
when i saw the first pic i thought it was a black and white photo! Love it, i was thinking of trying to make a crochet tea cosy but not sure that i'm up to it!
Nicole Needles said…
That's so cool! By the way, I've been using my tea cosy loads since I got a new teapot. Keeps it so warm!
Fiona said…
Not sure? Are you mad, it's lovely!
Very stylish indeed. Wish I could knit like that.
Anne said…
Hi Liz, just noticed your notice about the ads.Funnily enough since we installed google chrome I keep getting them on mine. I will try the same remedy.
Your tea cosy looks great by the way!
Jumble Tree said…
Such a great pattern and beautifully done! I gave my brother-in-law a vintage black and white tea set recently and your cosy would be perfect with it! x
I think it makes a rather pleasant change, and is timeless too! I'm on a sneaky mission to install various retro and 'out of place' items into my brother's very modern, very Ikea home, and one of them was a tea cosy very much like this one. And a gnome. Okay, two gmomes, but he hasn't noticed the second yet... (oh, and then there's the rubber ducky I hid in his bathroom). x
I agree with you, it does look very retro, and looks nice even with the clear white teapot! I like this old fashioned pattern ... all so very cool ;) Wendy
Mum said…
I, too, thought it was a black and white pic. I think the colours look great. Sometimes bright colours can become too much and something more subtle is required.
Love from Mum
Max said…
yes, i thought it was a black and white photo too! love it, big tea cosy fans here, nothing worse than lukewarm tea and yours is a beaut x
Elizabeth said…
This is rather a chic combo......
very sophisticated.
I sort of like cheery tea cosys for me but this would go wonderfully well with steel appliances!
Miss Maple said…
Looks rather beautiful. I think there will be lots of people that would like such a modern colour combination. Love the white teapot!
Lovely Liz ! Wish I could knit too.
Marjorie said…
Love the cosy in greys and black.
sky-blu-pink said…
Very stylish! Like all the ombré things around at the moment.
Yes this is lovely. Love the pompoms!
Robyn of Oz said…
Very stylish. It's a winner.
Tweed Thoughts said…
How cute is that cosy! Will go so well with your vintage china - it also looks very classy :) :)
vintage grey said…
Beautiful and I love the colors!!! xo Heather
Curtise said…
I DO love it! Nice to see a tea cosy in grey and black, and the pom poms are a fab touch! xxx
I love it - it would go perfectly in my modern black and white kitchen along with my Homemaker crockery.
I actually thought these photos were in black at white at first, so effective are these colours. They look great. Really modern, great to sell to people who like homemade but not girly colours! xxx
Patricia said…
Love it and the colours are great.
Patricia x
GardenOfDaisies said…
I love your cozies! And this one will be perfect for someone who wants something a little more neutral. It would indeed look nice in a kitchen with a lot of stainless steel.

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