Pandora's ........ Breadbin!

I was lucky to be given this (slightly grotty) 70s orange breadbin yesterday - why lucky, I hear you ask!  Well, because it contained "some old patterns and stuff".  I'll admit that I was expecting a couple of 70s and 80s knitting patterns and perhaps a few old magazines.  BUT!!!!!!!

I opened the lid ... and took a sharp intake of breath!!!!  This is what I saw ......

Just lying on the top were two of the most vintagy patterns I have ever had the pleasure to see ... and they are just  what's on top.  I was so excited, I was almost hyperventilating as I forgot to exhale the sharp intake of breath!

I was out all day and got back late so didn't have much time to rummage through the rest.

I awoke early today, as excited as a child on Christmas morning, and if it hadn't been so cold I would have got up there and then to check out what else was in the breadbin!

I've taken some photographs of the two I've looked at so far- this transfer pattern is from Christmas 1912 - one hundred years ago - WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't think there is going to be much work done here today!
Keep tuned in to find out what else I discover in ..... Pandora's Breadbin!!!!!

Love, Liz

I'm joining up with Max's second hand link-up over at Blackbird Has Spoken - come and see what everyone else has been finding.


Trudy said…
Oh how exciting! What a fabulous find. Any love letters or faded photos amongst it all?!!
Max said…
1912?!! blimey, it's impressive its survived-i presume it's made of the same, very tissue-y stuff the later ones were made from? love the granny pic too-'nowerdays' it looks like les dawson in drag but it was probably the height of sophisticated advertising back then!
thanks for linking up liz x
Claire said…
What a little treasure trove you've been given Liz......
So nice to find the unexpected sometimes.

Claire :}
Used-to-Bees said…
Oh my giddy aunt! I'd have been as thrilled as you are! What a fabulous box of treasures - have fun with it over the next few days. Loved the 'Not Me' caption!
Fantastic find...and transfer images too...This will be good for sure. Smiles...Renee
Cripes what a find. Lucky you. xx
Mum said…
IRYPT - Wow.
Love from Mum
Ruth Kelly said…
You received an early Christmas. How exciting and what finds!
Vintage Jane said…
Wow, lucky you indeedy! M x
Marjorie said…
What a lovely gift. Have fun.
Anonymous said…
That is amazing that it has lasted since 1912... I wonder how many times it has used and the hands it has passed through. What an amazing find, must be treasured xx
sky-blu-pink said…
Oh wow, what an amazing find! Btw, I saw your contribution in Pretty Nostalgic, congrats for getting printed, and nice to see someone I recognise!
vintagemovement said…
Lots of vintage treasure here Liz... love the Granny pic - had a little chuckle!!. Woolly comforts - such a cute title!. x Tina
Wow, the patterns are beautiful works of art in their own right, too, unlike the PDF files of today! Looking forward to seeing what other treasure reside within! x
Linda said…
What a fantastic find, I'm green with envy ;D Linda x
Annie Cholewa said…
Colour me green ... what luck indeed!!!

I just wrote a post about the possible misuse/overuse of the word vintage ... this, of course, is proper vintage, and wonderful!
of course I didn' think it was you - but... now you've got the patterns you can make shawls galore. Those old magazines look fabulous x

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