Baby Blue Crochet

I rushed to get this little crochet baby pram blanket finished yesterday so that I could photograph it while there was still some light.  Actually it was a lovely cold, but sunny day here in Greenock yesterday.

Listening to the radio while I was making this, the song Visions by Cliff Richard came on - some of the lyrics are - visions of you in shades of blue.  From then on, every time I picked this up to work on it, that song would go through my head.  Click here to listen (try, if you can, to ignore what he is wearing!).

I'm pleased with the way it has turned out - there were so many different shades of blue to choose and I loved making each square different.

So now that that's finished, the yarn is assembled for the next project - can't wait to start!

Love, Liz


gilly said…
It's so sweet! No hints as to what your next project may be? Love the monochrome shades of yarn though.
Utterly beautiful! I love that it's all one colour. x
Fiona said…
What a gorgeous blanket, I must get back to crocheting after xmas.
It's gorgeous, Liz. Almost as lovely as my favourite red one of yours. xx
Curtise said…
Oh my goodness, I used to sing along with that song when I was young, my eldest sister was a Cliff fan so I am embarrassingly familiar with his back catalogue! I'm not bothered about being cool, thankfully! Smoking, shifting, lazily drifting...
Anyway, on to the blanket, which is beautiful.
Thank you for following and commenting over at mine, I appreciate it.
Love Curtise xxxx
Mum said…
Just beautiful - the blanket that is - not what Cliff was wearing!
Love from Mum
Claire said…
Your blanket looks wonderful Liz, perfect to make a bub snug as a bug.......
Poor Cliff, I bet he cringes too when he looks back at old videos.......
By the way, I've been meaning to say how much I love your header pic liz.......beautiful Autumnal tones.

Claire :}
Unknown said…
Cute, I like the 'all different' thing ... Much more creative! I know what you mean about the spelling, comment thing - I do it on Twitter - totall eeeek moment.
Penny-Rose said…
Writing this at work so not able to see clip of Cliff! The crochet is lovely, I really like that this is a variation on the peggy square and the colours are very harmonious. A very lucky baby to be snuggled under this blanket.
sky-blu-pink said…
I love this! Especially the fact that it's all different sizes.
GardenOfDaisies said…
What beautiful blues!! All the colors of a winter sky.
vintage grey said…
So beautiful and I love all the colors together! xo Heather
Trudy said…
Such a beautiful blanket. Love all the blues. Our days are getting warmer and the desire to sit with a blanket draped over your knees and finish a project is getting less.
Marjorie said…
Blanket is lovely.
Dawn said…
I envy your skills, talent and patience. This is truly a beauty. dawn suitcase vignettes
Rose H (UK) said…
B E A U T I F U L !
gillyflower said…
Well done Liz, its lovely! I love the colours!
Miss Maple said…
That's amazing! My mother crocheted almost the same baby pram blanket when she was pregnant with my youngest sister in the 1970s because she thought after two girls she will get a baby boy. So your blanket reminds me of my childhood.

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