Needlecraft for HM Forces

Here's another fascinating item from Pandora's Breadbin.

Its a little leaflet entitled Needlecraft for HM Forces produced by Penelope, probably about 1940.

It was produced by W Briggs & Co of Manchester and gives all the instructions for making a table cover or runner.

I couldn't find out too much about this, but I believe that embroidery was used as therapy for servicemen and these leaflets and kits were produced for that purpose.   I'd love to find out more and I'm hoping someone out there might have some information.

Enjoy your weekend.
Love, Liz


I have a few packets of these (Unused) and I was also given a couple which were started and never finished- I'm now in the process of finishing.
Here's a link to the a advert I scanned a few years ago! (sorry I don't know how to link!

Tupney x
Love to pick up little paper things like that. Sometimes they are so entertaining and handy if you use them.

Merry Christmas!
Rachael said…
My grandad took up sewing for a while after WW2 - he did a lot of back stitching of famous scenes from around the UK. One of his - a picture of Durham castle use to hang on my gran's wall.
Connie said…
Wow! What a find! When my cousin Butchie was about 10 years old he was having some disciplinary problems at school so my Nana taught him to knit to calm him down. I wish they would teach needlework to the Vets around here. I think it might really help them! Meanwhile, are you going to make anything from all of these wonderful breadbox patterns?
Marjorie said…
What a neat find. I know my FIL briefly learned to knit when assigned to an Aircraft carrier during the Second World War.
That breadbin is full of wonders! This is a really interesting find social history wise. Merry Christmas!
Tweed Thoughts said…
What a lovely find! I have heard of men in the merchant navy doing needlework. I visited some relatives some years ago and the man of the house had embroidered all the armchair covers! I think they sometimes learned needlework to pass the time at sea - I was quite amazed at this :D
Riitta Sinikka said…
Merry Christmas♥ xxx riitta
becktovintage said…
Dear Lz, I wish you merry christmas and a very happy holiday..:))
All best warm wishes..:))
Robyn of Oz said…
Love vintage patterns. What a great find. I think that the returned servicemen were given all sorts of activities to keep them occupied. This kind of therapy does work. Like an earlier poster, I too believe in the value of handcrafts for the kids who need to be kept busy. Much better than destructive computer games.
Happy New Year to you and yours.
Penny said…
Hee hee, that made me smile seeing "produced by Penelope" ! x

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