Last Charity Shop Find Of 2012 ..... Probably!

My last charity shop find of 2012 is an absolute bargain!

I paid £1.49 for this gorgeous H & K Tunstall Old English Needlepoint plate - can you believe that?  The charity shop was having a sale, wonder if it was because they wanted to get rid of stuff so that there would be room for everyone's unwanted Christmas prezzies!

I already have a plate in this pattern and I think that it is lovely, so was delighted to find another.

Love, Liz

Thanks to all of you who responded to my last post.  Looks as if embroidery and other hand crafts were indeed used as therapy for soldiers.  Interesting!


Kandi said…
Oh that is stunning and what an amazing price! It's my favourite thing I've seen today :0) xx
Jacquie said…
No wonder you were thrilled's fabulous. I would love to find something similar for my dresser. I'll keep looking and when one I like turns up it will seem extra special because of the time it took to locate :0)
Jacquie x
Well, that was a great way to end the year of hunting! Beautiful.
Fiona said…
Lovely plate. Seen quite a few chazza's with sales on, looking forward to getting on in there.
Erna said…
What a lovely plate you've found Liz.I like the cross stitch pattern on it..
Have a wonderful New Year's Eve...
Erna x
Heather said…
very sweet. I mooched around the charity shops today, but sadly didn't really feel the love, probably because I didn't find anything I wanted! plus I was trying not to spend any money and therefore would only buy something which was fabulous!! have a good new year, Heather x
well...thats a collection now.
That is soo pretty and such a bargain! x
Connie said…
Isn't it great when you find something that just fits right in? Lovely plate...following the embroidery theme! Happy New Year to you, Liz!
GardenOfDaisies said…
Oh how pretty! I love the needlepoint design. Happy New Year to you, Liz!
21 Wits said…
What a beautiful display. You always have the best things!
Max said…
Beautiful plate, love the needlepoint design. Happy new year x
sky-blu-pink said…
Oh how lovely, Liz! Combining pretty china and needlework is so lucky!
Hi Liz,
What a beautiful plate, and a fun find for you. Hope you enjoyed your holidays, and that you and your family are blessed in the upcoming New Year.
50 and counting said…
Great find! I love it when if find something that matches what I already own.

Happy and Healthy 2013 to you!
Allison said…
what a find!...cute pattern.all the op shops have closed for the hols around here...eeek! but it gives me a great chnce to shop my own home...refind all the things ive hidden away.
allison x
Catherine said…
I love that pattern...well done. I always enjoy using my bits & pieces in the needlepoint the gold chintz around the border too & lovely colours. Happy New year Liz..well almost! Much love Catherine x0x
gilly said…
You seem to have a perfect knack for finding lovely things. I think you should pop into the shop again on the 31st anyway... just in case!
Happy Hogmanay and wishing you all good things for 2013.
Claire said…
How wonderful to find this plate Liz, certainly couldn't go past it at this price.
It's just beautiful, what a treasure.........

Claire x
Marjorie said…
The plate is beautiful and so nice that you now have two of them.
Curtise said…
That is such a pretty plate! I popped in to our local hospice charity shop yesterday and stumbled on the motherload of vintage chiffon scarves and brooches!
Happy new year to you, Liz, it's been lovely getting to know you through your blog. xxxx
Biba said…
It's gorgeous. And what a bargain indeed!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful, and quelle deal! I miss all the lovely bowls and plates I used to find in Canadian and UK thrift shops. In France, though, I can usually find good local pottery. Happy New Year Liz, and thanks for the wishes! xo
miz-bag said…
stunning plate and a complete bargain!

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