Crochet Granny Square Scarf

Finished my latest project -  its a crochet granny square scarf.  Decided to make it up in greys, black and white to go with my black jacket.  Its made up of fourteen squares, each of five rounds - no two squares the same.  I can always add to it if I feel it is too short.

Took me longer than I expected because I was so into the crochet that I got a blister on my finger and had to stop for a few days!  Have you ever had a crochet related injury?

Decided that I have to have both  knitting and crochet on the go at the same time to ensure it doesn't happen again.  I really like this colour combination so I decided to make a tea cosy in these colours.  Just started last night and loving it already! 

Going to knit more cosies in muted, vintage colours next year - just to see if they look authentic 40s and 50s.  What do you think?

Yarn gathered for next project!  I've noticed that many of the shops have baby things in lovely lemons and beige colours, which I think look great together.  Can't decide though whether to add pale pink and blue .... hmm.  What do you lovely modern mums out there think?

Love, Liz


This is gorgeous! Grey is my favourite colour. xx
The Custards said…
Knock, knock - just popping round for a festive mince pie and to examine your crocheted blisters! Crikey you must be working at a terrific speed. Hope they are mended for next week or you will have to crochet some gloves!
Best wishes for the festive season
Marjorie said…
Lovely scarf. I am not a modern mum (the youngest baby turns 19 next month) but love your colour choice of lemons and beiges.
Fiona said…
Gorgeous scarf, you are a great crocheter. Love the muted colours of the yarn lined up for your next project.
I must admit I'm a black, grey and cream girl so I adore these creations! x
Catherine said…
Hello Liz,

i am doing a grany square scarf too, but have a problem to put the squares together!!!( could you help me!)
VintageVicki said…
Looking good - I thought to start with you'd done your pics B&W!!

When I was sofa bound last year I got a sore elbow from crocheting for hours each day!!
I thought you had taken a black and white photo, until I saw the coloured flowery background. Such a great idea to knit and crochet in those shades, and it looks very effective too.
Scarlet said…
The scarf is lovely. I have some pastel wool that I'm going to turn into a tea cosy for my Mum - it's in the colours of angel cake!
Connie said…
LIZ!!! I am so happy you stopped by. I have spent the morning scrolling through your blog and I just LOVE IT! I think we may have a few things in common. I am a happy new follower! And, yes, I have knitted myself a few blisters in my day. Very pretty, the black & grey.
Paulette said…
I adore crochet granny squares, scarfs, blankets, vest, you make it with a crochet granny square I'll love it. Whoever gets your stunning scarf is very lucky.
Curtise said…
Love the monochrome scarf, you don't often see crochet in those shades, I think, it looks great.
A crochet-related injury? Who knew it could be dangerous! Mind you, I got a big blister from sharpening pencils, so there is clearly danger lurking everywhere! xxxxx
Ashley cramp said…
Hello, lovely scarf, and you can knit too, thats a skill I admire!
merry joy to you
Daisy x
Miss Magpie said…
Neapolitan ice cream! don't add blue or it won't be any more.
Hi Liz, just dropping by to wish you a very Merry Christmas and to thank you for visiting the Lane,

Sarah -x-
Hi Liz, Your scarf is very pretty and I love the colors you've chosen for your next project.
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!
Hi Liz, If I don't catch up before Christmas, have a lovely day and I hope Santa brings you lots of goodies, Tam x
fab colours and the finished scarf looks great, you'll get requests for them in every colour!
sajuki said…
Greetings from Poland :)

miz-bag said…
i have just crocheted a granny square scarf,,,going tp do a post on it soon x x x

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