Pretty Patterns

I thought I'd share these pretty little images with you on this, the last day of 2012.  Here in Scotland we call today - Hogmanay! 

The pictures are from a little leaflet advertising patterns which could be sent away for.  They are from Woman & Home Magazine and their address at the time was Bear Alley, Farringdon Street, London.  They seem to feature a fabric called Dayella - hadn't heard of that before.

Do you think they are from the 40s or 50s?

Super cute!

There were some transfers to send away for too - little animals for nursery items.

Love, Liz


Robyn of Oz said…
Happy Hogmanay! The clock has already ticked over here in the land of Oz and 2013 has already begun.
Abundance, health and happiness to you and yours.
Anonymous said…
It's difficult to tell whether it's 40's or 50's as I believe children's clothing styles didn't change all that much. However, from the colour printing, I'd say it's more likely 50's. Happy new Year! Lynda
Gill said…
I believe Dayella was a cotton and wool mix - a lighter weight of Viella, which was a wool and cotton mix, both of which were very commonly used for childrens wear. They were brand names for these fabrics.
Little Nell said…
Very nice Liz, but It's difficult to tell what era they are from. Happy New Year to you.
Used-to-Bees said…
What sweet images - and the mention of Dayella made me instantly think of my old favourite dressmaking fabric for winter, Viyella. I remember Clydella too but had not heard of Dayella, which apparently was specially for baby clothes. I don't know if you can buy Viyella cloth any more - shame...
Happy Hogmanay to you and all the best for 2013!
Happy New Year from America to the land of my fore fathers!
Kestrel said…
How sweet! I quite often see references to fabrics I've never heard of on old sewing patterns, it's interesting.

Happy new year! :-)
Connie said…
Adorable. I loved when little kids dressed like little kids...late 40's early 50's perhaps? Happy happy New Year!! Cheers!
Penny said…
Dearest Liz
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, here's wishing you a very Happy Hogmanay! My mother in law is Scottish and she loves to celebrate the New year xox Have a blessed and light filled year x Penelope
Happy Hogmanay! Such cute pattern illustrations.
sky-blu-pink said…
Lovely, lovely! All the best for a fab hootenanny!
Lucille said…
Probably the 50 s I would say. Pinafore dresses were all the rage. Happy New Year.
*Maristella* said…
Hi Liz!
Wonderful Blog!
Ti auguro un magnifico 2013, con tutto il cuore, *Maristella*.
Anonymous said…
Hej Liz,
*Happy New Year*
Hi Liz, how very cute these are. I am inclined to think they are from the 50's, but it's only a guess.
Wishing you a wonderful 2013, filled with good things, love Linda x
Adorable photos, Liz!

Happy New Year! xo

Happy New Year Liz! They look 50s to me, but I'm no expert. Hope you had a lovely Christmas.


New Year's Resolutions of the Stars!
gillyflower said…
Cute patterns! Gives you a feel of what it must have been like to have the leisure to make things properly, the detailing etc, without the many technological diversions we have now!
Happy New Year to you Liz!
Gill xx

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