Another Charity Shop Embroidery!

I had another lucky find in one of Greenock's charity shops.

Its a gorgeous little vintage tablecloth, about 30 inches square.  The embroidery is beautifully finished and the colours are so vibrant.

It was very grubby and dirty, but I had a feeling that a good soak and wash would make it good as new and for 20 pence, I was hardly going to lose out!  Got a very funny look from the lady behind the counter when I handed over my 20p!

I've been really lucky with fabric finds recently - hope it lasts!

Love, Liz
I'm going to be an Op-Shop Show-Off and join Max at Blackbird Has Spoken.  Come on over and show everyone your bargains!
Also joining Lakota for Ta-Dah Tuesday.


20p? *faints to the floor*. They really are little works of art aren't they? xx
Rachael said…
Oh my word that a gorgeous find for 20p!
GardenOfDaisies said…
How pretty! A lucky find!
Kestrel said…
Oooh I love an embroidered tablecloth! I have a pile of them ready for a project I have in mind...
Linda said…
Wow what a bargain, it's come up lovely. Linda xxx
Mum said…
A bargain.
Love from Mum
That's lovely. Down here it'd be £6.99 stains and all! Loving the cups and saucers too. x
That is bonkers pricing - well done!
Kezzie said…
Wow, this is really a beautiful cloth! It's lovely you saw beyond the grubby exterior! Came over via Lakota's linkie to visit a fellow TahDaher!
**Anne** said…

WOW, 20p?!! It's gorgeous and has washed up beautifully.
Anne xx
MaryGrace said…
Just beautiful!
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
Mary x
vintagemovement said…
What a lovely find! Giving it away at 20p... I adore your yellow rose tea and saucer too! xx Tina
Max said…
beautiful (and barginous!!!) i am collecting up the old stained ones as i want to make some embroidered bunting from them, all linen and pretty pastel colours for or my wee girls room. maybe i should try harder at stain removing before chopping them up... thanks for linking up, and merry christmas x
sky-blu-pink said…
Oh o lovely! Are you really living in the 21st century at those prices......?!
Such a bargain you couldn't lose and it's really pretty!

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