Morning Tea and Biscuits

Time for a mid-morning cuppa?

Think I'll use this lovely vintage Roslyn china.

What shall I have to eat - yum - an Aero biscuit.  Have you tried them yet?  They are absolutely delicious.

I only keep chocolate biscuits in the house for Hubby and Son's packed lunches ... of course!  But I had a craving for some chocolate the other day and these were in the tin ... the rest, as they say, is history ...  as were the biscuits within a very short period of time!

Still, it says on the wrapper that they are only 99 calories, so that's not too bad (if you can limit yourself to one)!  They have orange and mint ones too, but I haven't tried them yet - looks like a bit of research is in order - purely to keep you informed, of course ;-)

Love, Liz

Greetings from Greenock

This is not a sponsored post.


bellaboo said...

Those biscuits look very tasty and a great snack for 99 cals.I can't have just one though(I'm addicted to chocolate)I'm afraid if I start eating it again..haven't had any since March...I won't be able to stop!
Tea tastes so much nicer in a pretty cup.
Enjoy your day! :0)

Claire said...

Hey Liz, love the cup and saucer.....
I've neer seen the Aero biscuits, but they look delish.
Will have to keep an eye out at the supermarket and see if they've made it to this neck of the woods.

CLaire :}

Kylie said...

Very pretty tea cup Liz, but I'm afraid I'm more excited by those Aero biccies. We don't have them here! It's a tragedy!

Rachael said...

Wow I haven't had an Aero in so long yet even know about them as biscuits!

**Anne** said...

Your tea cup and saucer are gorgeous. I can't have chocolate biscuits in the house, I eat them all. :(
Anne xx

Tangled Sweetpea said...

Such a pretty teacup Liz! Ooh and the aero biscuit looks yummy too, and only 99 calories, can't be bad :)
Victoria xx

thriftwood said...

You're making me hungry Liz, but sadly cannot succumb as am at WW tonight! Love the china too ... Xxx

Anne said...

I am indulging in chocolate at this v ery moment. Those biscuits look lovely and why does tea/coffee always taste so much nicer out of pretty china cups?

Mum said...

One has to have a bit of scrumptiousness to go with a scrummy yummy tea cup and saucer.
Love from Mum

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty trio Liz, I am trying to be good at the moment, so no treats for me, but they do look delish
Thea x

Anonymous said...

Hej Liz,
yummy chocolate!
♥I've neer seen the Aero biscuits, but they look delish♥

sky-blu-pink said...

Even a dry cream cracker would taste delicious on that china! Haven't tried aero biscuits yet, small indulgence, maximum impact by the sounds of things!

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

Oh those biscuits look yummy! And what a pretty tea cup.

vintage grey said...

Such beautiful vintage china! Love the colors!! Happy Monday! xo Heather

Little Nell said...

Thank goodness I can't get those biscuits here. i have to buy my Cadbury's Buttons in Treat size packs and ration myself, so having just one Aero biscuit could just work. You have to keep them in the freezer, not in a tin, that way you're not so tempted.

Marjorie said...

Pretty china and no Aero biscuits here either. I will have to get a bar tomorrow when I do my messages.

Rose H (UK) said...

What beautiful china Liz, and the addition of the Aero biscuits make it perfect!
Rose H

Tammy's in Love said...

I love tea cups! Let's see, is 99 calories in Scotland the same as 99 calories in the US or do I need to convert that!? Hee hee! Lots of fun to be had here, I'll be back! I'm that Funny Face follower!

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