Vintage Queen Anne and Birds

Usually when friends come to visit they bring a cake ... or a bottle of wine ... or flowers, don't they?  But when a friends who knows you really well comes to visit she brings ......

beautiful vintage Queen Anne plates!

I'm so lucky - a very good friend brought me this lovely plate and saucer.

They are gorgeous and I think I am going to make a cakestand with them.

Isn't this fabric cute?

It's called "Birdy"  - gorgeous!  Not sure what to make with it yet, though.

I'm sure I'll think of something.

Love, Liz
Greetings from Greenock


sky-blu-pink said…
Too pretty for words, both of them! Look forward to seeing what you do with the fabric, and the cake stand!
bellaboo said…
Your friend knows you well! I'd rather have a gift of pretty china than chocolates any day,and it lasts a lot longer too.
Luscious fabric! :0)
Deborah said…
Such a great friend! gorgeous fabric too, wonder if you dare cut into it? :)

Bee happy x
21 Wits said…
What an amazing tea you could have with this set!
GardenOfDaisies said…
What a lovely gift from your friend! And the fabric matches it beautifully. I think you should make a table centerpiece, or napkins, or something that you can use when you have those plates out for tea. :-)
Anonymous said…
A true friend indeed, with good taste and a good eye! Cake's nice as well though....
Anne said…
You have some great friends there! Fabulous things.
Linda said…
Beautiful plates - I love them! Linda xxx
Anonymous said…
So very pretty, you have a wonderful friend
Thea x
Such a nice friend you have. Hoping you will show us the completed cake stand. Plates are just lovely and the fabric is gorgeous too. xx
Locw Queen Anne china and the fabric is so sweet!!
**Anne** said…
What a lovely friend you have. The fabric is gorgeous, I'm looking forward to seeing what you make.
Anne xx
vintage grey said…
Absolutely beautiful!! xo Heather
Heidi's Garden said…
What a lovely gift to receive! Enjoy them!

Hugs from Holland ~
Rose H (UK) said…
How wonderful to receive such a sweet, thoughtful gift Liz - a friend indeed :o)
I LOVE the fabric :o)
Rose H
blackenpot said…
Beautiful plates and fabric. Good to have freinds who know you so well that they can give such lovely things.
Sorry for being abscent, but I have had a long long holiday this year.
sooo pretty and sweet!
Such a beautiful plate, and lovely fabric. I wish I had a friend like that!

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