God Speed Greenock!

I think by now regular readers will know how much I love my home town of Greenock.  I visited the town hall recently and just loved the depictions of Greenock's coat of arms with the motto "God Speed Greenock".

This is a beautiful version in stained glass.

This is a floor mosaic.

The ship obviously refers to Greenock's great maritime past.

The fish are a reminder that Greenock was a fishing port in the pre-industrial days - incredible herring catches were made locally.  The town's motto used to be - "Let herring swim that trade maintain".  Can't stand herring myself!

The cups represent one of the oldest landowning families in the area - the Shaws.

Hope you enjoyed this little historical snippet!

Love, Liz


Rose H (UK) said…
What magnificent stained glass, thank you for sharing it Liz :o)
Rose H
Ruth Kelly said…
I certainly did enjoy the historical snippet. It makes me want to visit Greenock.
I can see why you are proud of your hometown. Glad you appreciate it's history.
sky-blu-pink said…
Great pics! I love mosaics and tile art. Greenock is certainly somewhere to visit, you have whetted my whistle for a Scottish trip!
Kylie said…
They are beautiful Liz, the mosaic, is my favourite.
vintage grey said…
So beautiful! Thanks for sharing the neat history!! xo Heather
Used-to-Bees said…
It is good to have pride in your town! I wish more people round here would have pride in ours - it has a real history to it, but it is rather neglected...

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