Shops and Questions!

The shops in Grey Place, Greenock are being given a facelift before the coming tourist season.  They are along the route that tourists from the cruise ships take when they walk into town.  Underneath all the tat and neon of modern signage a few gems are being exposed.

Fabulous sign writing.


Once upon a time all these shops must have had similar frontages.  I found this photograph from an archive of photographs of Greenock from the 60s and 70s.  This shows the same area.

The photographs are by Eugene Mehat and are a remarkable glimpse into Greenock as I remember it when I was a wee lassie!  If you know anyone who lived in Greenock, let them know about these photographs.

Now - blogging stuff!  I need some help!

1.         How do I get to reply under comments - often when I try to email a reply it's a "no reply blogger" and I've noticed that some bloggers are able to reply right under individual comments.

2.         When I try to add photographs to my sidebar I get a message that I have reached my limit, yet I can still post photographs on my actual blog.  I know that there comes a time when you have to pay to store more photos, but why is this just happening when I try to change my sidebar photos?!

Hope someone can answer my questions.

Love, Liz


Madison said…
Scarlett from Scarlett loves Elvis had a similar problem with blogger photos. She posted a solution up I think. It was very recent.

Madison xxx
Rachael said…
This blogger article might help you with setting up the threaded commenting although some people have had difficulties in making it work too;

Hope it helps!
The commenters have to change their own reply in blogger or typepad. It is my understanding. They have to click a button that will change their reply to allow them to be an open replier. I haven't ever heard of the side bar problem. Hope this helps. I love a great building. Smiles...Renee
blackenpot said…
I'm sorry I cannot help you here. I did not know that one had to pay?? I did however took a look at Scarlett, pehaps that is the answer??

Enjoy your tuesday.
Thanks for suggestions - will look at article. I remember Scarlett having a problem with photos, will check that out too!
Unknown said…
I love old shop signs and shop fronts its amazing how many are hiding underneath something else. Im afraid i can't help you with the problems im not very good with techno stuff. I did have a problem with photo's that i had excided my amount to. So i went back to my posts i wrote at the very start and delated a load of photo's it worked for me. I also find using the mosaic maker and then adding them to blogger seems to use less space. Good luck i hope the answers you have recieved from others help you, dee x
Mum said…
I had the sidebar picture problem just before I reached my picture limit. I paid up my £5 which I believe I pay every year or when I reach another limit. I'll just wait and see. My reply thingy just came on by itself. I didn't have to do anything to get it there. I'm still on the 'old' face of Blogger until they chuck me off. Not much help I know.
Love from Mum
Little Nell said…
I wonder if they’ll cover the old signs up again as part of the facelift, or is the idea to go back to the old signs? Here in Lanzarote too there’s money being spent on the route the cruise-ship tourists take from the port in Arrecife; it’s pretty grim at the moment, and not the first sight we want visitors to the island to see.
Vintage Jane said…
Will be lovely if they leave the old signs.
I have a similar problem with not being able to reply to loads of bloggers who leave comments but haven't yet figured out what to do other than go to their blog and leave a comment to let them know. I think they have to enable something but I don't know what! As for the photos, I recently reached my limit and you just pay £5 which gives you a huge amount of extra storage. M x

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