Roses on Wednesday

I found this lovely little tea set when I was out and about rummaging in charity shops at the weekend.  This little set cheers me up just by looking at it.  Roses - on a Wednesday - perfect!

Its by Royal Grafton and has a yellow and a white rose design.  Its very pretty.

I thought it went beautifully with the Paragon Sunset plate which I found last month.

Hope you like it too and that your week is going well.

Love, Liz

Many thanks for all your helpful comments yesterday.


blackenpot said…
Beautiful, I just love anything with roses. Good find and enjoy your wednesday!
Jem said…
Ooh Liz you've found some absolute beauties there, and I quite agree they look lovely with the Paragon plate. Is it me or do they seem even more dainty than average teacups? Perhaps it's the little curl on the inside of the handle? Gorgeous!

Jem xXx

P.S - Speaking of teacups you might like to enter my giveaway!
Scarlet said…
That is so pretty, and how great to find a set rather than just a cup and saucer( which is what I normally see!).
orchid0324 said…
Dearest Liz,
Oh, what beautiful cups they are♡♡♡
I wish I could find these in charity shop like you did !!!
Oh, I have read your question about reply. I also wish to know how I can get that??? Blogger sometimes confuses us, don't they.
Love you always, xoxo Miyako*
Meg said…
A beautiful match Liz. Meg x x
Unknown said…
Those are so pretty Liz, there are a bit like the tea set i own that my mum gave me it was a wedding gift at their wedding over 46 years ago but it has red roses on. Enjoy the rest of your week, dee x
Love them of course! Yellow roses are so gorgeous and not very common - especially over here. xx
Hello Vintage said…
Gosh, that is gorgeous.
Ruth Kelly said…
Just beautiful.
Madison said…
Gorgeous! You know I love it.

Madison xxx
Mum said…
Love from Mum
Paulette said…
Gorgeous, coffee or tea always seem to taste better when served in a pretty cup and saucer.
Sarah Jane said…
Yep, very pretty. I'd :)have snapped them up in a heartbeat
Jo said…
Very pretty! The best teacups need to have roses on them I think.
Catherine said…
Very nice cups, i love roses.
lavender attic said…
Gorgeous - so unusual to find that colour and design. Well done. Am just catching up with a bit of blogreading - sorry I haven't been around much! x
They do pair beautifully. I have been thinking of that sweet platter since last week. My luck at the thrift didn't bring roses but other goodies instead. Glad you brought home such finery. Smiles...Renee
Pretty, very pretty rose cups :)

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