The Ark and the Animals - In Blue and White

Rummaging around a charity shop yesterday, I was drawn to the lovely soft colours of this little beauty. 

It depicts Noah's ark and there are wonderful representations of lots of fish and animals.

There is a gorgeous border of little birds.

It measures about 89x100 cm.  What on earth is it?  Is it a blanket or a wall hanging of some sort?  There are no labels, just what appears to be a laundry mark.  Do you think it is vintage?

It is in perfect condition and beautifully made - the back is just as clear as the front.

 I think it would look stunning in a nursery.

I couldn't leave it in the shop, but, what on earth is it, and what am I going to do with it?????!!!!!  (Suggestions ... well, polite ones ... please!)

Love, Liz

Joining up with Flea Market Finds to see everyone else's treasures.


Michelle said…
Oh that is gorgeous! Fantastic detail and I agree it's perfect for the nursery. I cant help you as to what it is supposed to be though. Perhaps a throw?
orchid0324 said…
Dearest Liz,
Oh, Noah's ark!!! It can be called "tapestry", I wonder. Whatever it is, it looks gorgeous for me♬♬♬
And I wish I could enjoy flea market or charity shop like you do. We don't have much chances for it.
Love you always, xoxo Miyako*
Unknown said…
Im not sure if its vintage but it looks pretty old. Is it big enough to make a cushion with it you could back it in a different peice of fabric. Or hang it on the wall over a small pole attached to the back or even frame it. Good luck, dee x
Emma Breadstill said…
Not sure what it is but it's lovely! I was going to say maybe cushion covers but it would be a shame to cut it up. Maybe a curtain? Sorry, I'm not being much help, am I? xxx
I reckon that it is vintage and with that attention to detail it looks like it was a quality item. At a guess, I would say that it was for a child's nursery and dates from the 1950s if not earlier.
bellaboo said…
It's lovely whatever it is.I think it would look good framed and hung on the wall,or as others have suggested,made into a cushion.Let us know what you decide! :0)
Little Nell said…
Sounds like a small throw Liz. Do you have a favourite armchair where it could reside?
Thanks for all the suggestions. Don't think I could cut it up, so I think a throw or wall hanging is the answer. Think I may just put it aside for a few years - who knows maybe someday there will be a little nursery where it will look just great!
Kylie said…
Sorry, don't know what it is Liz, but I do know that I like it. I'd save it if I was you, you're bound to be a granny one day...
June said…
Is it a blanket to wrap around a small child / babe in arms! I agree it is far too nice to cut into! Lucky you finding it!
What an amazing piece. Beautiful colors. I couldn't leave it behind either. Smiles...Rene
Anne said…
I think a nursery wall hanging would be great, children love animals and it tells a story too.
spymay said…
It's so adorable.Sell it girl!!
So pretty! I can see why you couldn't resist it. I agree with everyone else -- great for a nursery.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog!

I love this little knit Noah's ark tapestry thing. Its very cute; and you are right about how perfect it would be for a nursery. :)

Jem said…
The blue and white is beautiful! What a lovely thing to save and pass down!

Jem xXx
serendipity said…
It's beautiful. It would look lovely framed on the wall. Perhaps it was small tablecloth, maybe for a child's table? xx
OH I love it, too! It really would be charming in a nursery, but I would use it as a throw, too!
GardenOfDaisies said…
I love the soft blue colors. Little kids would love all the animals!
Nelly said…
I have a grandson called Noah he would have loved that as a baby .....welll I would have loved that when he was a baby lol The tea set is beautiful too
Kestrel said…
It's really lovely, what a great find. I'd say hang on to it, even if you don't have anywhere to display it just now.

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