Don't Get Mad - Get Crafting!

This is a little project which I've been meaning to do for ages - make a pin board.

Yesterday I got really annoyed at something (too boring to relate) and came home in a terrible mood - do you ever get angry and edgy and stomp about the house?  Needed something to dissipate these feelings so got cracking on the pin board project.  Been waiting for months - took me half an hour!

Can't even remember where I bought this cork board - could have been the pound shop.

Covered it with wadding then had an idea and sprayed it with my favourite fragrance - that way it will smell lovely when I push pins in it.  Put some fabric on the centre of the back - I like the back to look nice too!

The most difficult part was choosing which fabric to cover it with - tea towels from Wilkinsons or tartan - no too bold!

Settled on a soft light blue and cream fabric and used some light pink ribbon.

Tra la - finished, and best of all - bad mood gone!  So the moral of the story is, next time you are really annoyed at something - get crafting!

Love, Liz


Crikey, I'd me crafting nonstop! Great little project, I have one similar in my kitchen , though I about it at a garage sale.

We loved the pound shop when we were there, we also came out with 3-4 bags full!
It looks awesome I too stomp about but I can't craft when I'm mad I just get madder. x
Jem said…
Channeling rage into craft, I probably need to do that myself looking at the results here. Brilliant idea to spray the wadding with your favourite scent!

Jem xXx
Unknown said…
That is great love the fabric ;-) bless you glad you were able to carm down. I was annoyed yesterday to but that was due to me sewing my first range in something i had spent so much time on the detail of it and then the machine started playing up and ruined what i what been working on all afternoon. But a glass of baileys later on carmed my nerves ;-) dee xx
Scented pin board? Genius! Very pretty too. If I crafted when I was mad I'd have even more hot glue burns on my fingers than I do already!

***To those I follow and who follow me - is my blog appearing on your dashboard? Blogger appears to be losing some blogs I follow!**
What a great idea to spray it with a fragrance! It turned out wonderful.
Lovely. I do this frequently. Works well. Smiles...Renee
Rachael said…
That looks lovely, love how you'd used a cork board so you can pin stuff in place!
Suzy said…
Lovely pin board, and a cheaper way to get rid of anger than therapy!
June said…
Very pretty and very practical!
Jelly Jam said…
That sounds like a good motto to me. I usually turn to Peroni or chocolate so much healthier too!
gillyflower said…
Great idea, especially the scented bit!

It looks great and it did the trick of getting rid of your frustration - don't get mad make a pin board!!
Wendy said…
Very spiffy indeed! Lovely fabric.

I like to craft when I am upset - it's very soothing and I get so lost in what I'm doing that everything else recedes and when I re-emerge I can deal with the matter more rationally.
Kylie said…
What a pretty pin board Liz. You could also release a bit more anger while you're stabbing the pins into it. Oops, that's not a very nice thing to say...
I'm afraid crafting has the opposite affect on me, I usually feel crosser because I make so many mistakes!
Love this, sticking those pins in would do it for me, going to make one, my daughters been nagging for one for ages! Julie xxx
You're right about the crafting. I've been doing a bit recently and it's very therapeutic. Love the memo board. Beeeeeutiful.

Btw, I've tagged you, hope you don't mind.
Scarlett said…
I love these, ive made a few myself a while back and they are still going strong! Scarlett x
Crafting is always the best therapy! Love your idea of spraying it with fragrance first! Brilliant : )
This came out great. I would love to make one myself sometime.

Have a great weekend, Liz ~

Danielle xo

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