Crochet and Food

I'm finding crochet totally addictive - once I start, I can't stop.  I had to go out and buy some more yarn today.

I'm aiming to make a cushion cover with these granny squares.  Love the colours.

As well as shopping, I've been busy this morning - I've made a pot of chicken soup - using the carcass from Sunday's roast and I've also made a big pot of chilli - yum! 

Household chores done (well, all I'm doing for today), time for more crochet and a catch up with your lovely blogs!  Hope you are having a happy day.

Love, Liz


Such pretty colours you've chosen! Can't wait to see the finished result.
Tina said…
Very beautiful and Cath Kidston your squares, Liz!
Can't wait to see your cushion done.
Yeah, crochet is very addictive. I have been an addict for 14 years! :)
gillyflower said…
Love the gorgeous springlike colours you've choosen - its going to look so pretty!

Well done for all the cooking too - now you can crochet guilt-free knowing dinners prepared!

Gill xx
Rachael said…
Can't wait to see the finished granny square cushion. I go through tends of crocheting none stop and i'm half way through another blanket at the moment to throw in the car for when we go out hopefully in the more warmer months but it's been put to the side while I've had my head totally into sewing.
What soft and pretty colors, it is going to be fabulous.
bellaboo said…
I agree,with you it is very addictive.Looking foward to seeing the finished result! :0)
Jo said…
You've been so productive today. I really need to get more done. I suppose getting off the computer would be a start.... oops!

Lovely crochet colours. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day!
Little Nell said…
Lovely colours Liz. I’m crocheting shamrocks at the moment, for St Patrick’s Day. We have a lot of Irish people living here in Lanzarote.
June said…
Wish I could crochet! All attempts to teach me as a youngster completely failed. I wish that I'd persevered!
Pink Milk said…
Hahaha, I loved your opening line!

Has the crochet monster got his hooky claws in you?!! It is sooo addictive isn't it? I find I whizz around getting my chores done so I can justify a little crochet time before the school run!

Your granny squares are just lovely - very neat and the prettiest colours.

Have a lovely week.

Heather x
Ava said…
I finally got some crochet hooks and wool this week. I'm going to learn and I'm ridiculously excited :) xx
Scarlett said…
Love your granny squares - great colours :o) Scarlett x
Mum said…
Beautiful colours - very Spring.
Love from Mum
Anne said…
Gorgeous pastel colours.I agree with you completely, crochet is very addictive.
sky-blu-pink said…
How very pretty! I can just about do granny squares, but takes me ages to do one!
MarmaladeRose said…
Your crochet is lovely it reminds me of ice-cream colours. I know I'm a bit late but I love the Greengate apron you found in the charity shop. They're quite expensive to buy but lovely quality, I have a couple that I received as birthday and mothers day gifts after dropping very large hints, lol. I've also got two green paisley latte cups from Greengate, love em to bits.
Used-to-Bees said…
Ooh - so pretty! Well planned with the food and other chores so you can get on guilt-free with that gorgeous hooking - can't wait to see the end result.
Kylie said…
Lovely sherbetey colours Liz.
I wish I could crotchet, I need to find someone with the patience of Job to teach me!
Hi - thanks for your comments.
June - try again - there are some great tutorials online. I used a very large needle for my first attempt - just to get back into the way of it again. It really helped.
Ava - good luck - let us know how you get on.
Mörökölli said…
Very sweet granny squares, pretty colurs :) I love granny squares ;) Thank you for joining in my blog, welcome. I wish you enjoy :) There is a translater, I hope it works and you can understand at least some words ;)
INDEED....VERY pretty colours Liz....I wish you were a TAD closer so I could pop over for a lesson....I've been trying, albeit unsuccessfully to relearn this MUCH loved craft from my childhood....Alas....My squares ALWAYS curl up....I've tried NOT strangling the yarn to no avail & drinking wine while engaged in the activity has yet to yield any positive results....**bugger**....!!!!!

Tamarah :o)

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