70s Breakfast

Breakfast à la 70s.

Arcopal teacup, saucer and plate - remnants of a wedding gift (of course, I was a child bride, ahem!).

Reading my fav 70s mag - 19 Magazine - I remember using the stuff (correction fluid) in this ad - always ran out just when it was needed most.  Then I moved to an office which used blue paper for correspondence - argh!!!!!  In the days of electric (or even worse, manual) typewriters, you really had to be accurate!  I never did tape type my way to fame and fortune!
But, I digress ... so unlike me!

The reason for this post - these

Three Original Cornish Kitchenware egg cups found in the charity shop yesterday.  Didn't know what make they were till I got them home because they were in the window of the shop and I had to ask the wee old lady how much they were.  She rummaged in the window, told me the price, tutted and then said, "They're naw worth that, gie's wan fifty."  I hastily agreed because she had been so nice and I was actually looking for some egg cups for Easter bits and pieces.

Anyway, to continue - discovered that the mark stating that they were restyled by Judith Onions (what a great name) dates from1968 - 1975 so decided to treat myself to a 70s breakfast today!  Phew, got there in the end.  Is anyone still with me?

Very enjoyable breakfast!

The wee lady in the charity shop was not just nice to me.  There had been an old lady in front of me who bought a purse.  The charity shop lady put a 20p inside it for her because we have a tradition here that if you give anyone a new purse, you have to put a coin in it - I think it is a good luck charm - so that their purse will never be empty.  Is that a west of Scotland tradition or do you do this too?

Anyway, that restored my faith in the human side (as opposed to the business side) of charity shops.  I feel a bit guilty about all my recent moans!

Have a great day!

Love, Liz


Scarlet said…
I love your crockery - it's so pretty.Your eggcups were a great buy. We put money in a purse or moneybox if giving it as a gift. Thanks for your lovely comment about my giveaway apron!
Miss Magpie said…
I always put a shiny new coin in a purse or bag for good luck. I got that tradition from my Nan who was from Kent born and bred. She also said if anyone gives you scissors or a knife as a gift you have to give them back a 'silver' coin or you sever your friendship.
Interesting - hadn't heard of that one before.
We had that Arcopal set when I was little. I do so love Cornishware - what a good buy - and a boiled egg!
Ruth Kelly said…
Very interesting. Nothing at all like our 70s breakfasts.
Tina said…
Hi Liz,

You 70's china is so adorable!!
I remember that correction liquid. That in Brazil was a revolution for us students when we had to write essays and answers using pen. :)
blackenpot said…
I remember the arcopal, I bought a set for my mother in law back in the the 70's. And the cornish kitchenware is very collectable, lucky you.

Thank you for sharing.
My Dad used to make me that exact breakfast every Sunday when I was little. It's a very nice memory : )
I love this table setting Liz. Very retro!

Danielle xo
claire said…
i used to love 19 magazine. And i could never wait for the tippex to dry so ended up smudging it :)
Rachael said…
Yeah we use to have that tradition in Yorkshire to - not sure if it made it over to the pond in the states yet though! I always use to have a boiled egg and soldiers for breakfast - so tasty!
June said…
Beautiful egg cups and what a bargain they were! My gran always used to make me carry a penny in my purse when I was little - even though I only had the penny! Something to do with - look after the pennies and the pounds will flow! I remember Tippex well - used it on a lot of my schoolwork and Uni work. I used to hate it when it got to thick to use, this used to always be when you needed it the most!
Sarah Jane said…
I found a near full set of that Arcopal dinnerware in a charity shop recently. I snapped the lot up and have had it proudly on display in my kitchen ever since! I love the egg cups and the Kit Kat tin x
Cottage 1945 said…
I love your china! Those egg cups are adorable.
Riitta Sinikka said…
Lovely photos! I wish you a happy March!
I love cornishware! I've never found any. But I've seen some beautiful collections. Your egg cups look wonderful on your table!
orchid0324 said…
Dear Liz,Oh,
It was interesting to see your collection and breakfast, truly different from Japanese one.
Thank you for stopping by♡♡♡
Love from east, orchid*
Kylie said…
Hi Liz, we always put money in a purse or wallet when we give one as a gift here too (well, my family does anyway)
I love your egg cups. There's something special about those blue and white stripes.
My best friend from high school had an Arcopal dinner set, I thought it was very fancy because it was made of glass, not china like ours.
The Nun's tried to teach me to type at school, they failed. One of them hit me across the knuckles because she caught me looking at the keyboard (and this was in the 80's!)
Unknown said…
Ohhhh! Cornishware is such an iconic collection!

I think that might be a widespread 'ye olde' tradition Liz....I've often found old pennies in vintage purses 'down here' & I see Kylie noted it as being a Family tradition in her comment....!

Your egg cups & Arcoroc pieces are DIVINE....hahahaha....I was just talking to a Friend today about soft boiled eggs & toast soldiers this morning at the market....I was saying that I LOVE this particular breaky but have had to modify it somewhat to appease my silly sensitive tummy....Alas....I just CAN'T do the soft egg thang....NOPE....Has to be cooked through so it's solid....SO instead of DIPPING my little soldiers I then use a little spoon to moosh the egg on the little fellows....**stoopid grin**....!!!!!

Tamarah :o)
Tracy Glover said…
I love the tradition of putting money in a purse, as a good luck thing. Those egg cps are adorable and so is the name.
Your charity shop glasses in the post are delectable. I wish we had charity shops here.x

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