Have a break .......

Lovely red Kit Kat tin - not that old, but will look great on my dresser.

I liked it straight away!

But ....... opened it up slightly!

Result!  Filled with lots of little tapestry wools - all the colours of the rainbow!

Excellent!  Really need a cuppa and - well, guess what kind of biscuit I fancy?!

Hope you have been as lucky as me this week.  I'm joining Flea Market Finds to see all the lovely acquired goodies!

Love, Liz

A great big welcome to all my new followers!
The "oldies" get hugs too!


Pene said…
OMG what a find! The tin is lovely but the tapestry wools are the icing on the cake lol.
Have a great sunday
Pene x
Tina said…
Isn't it lovely to find a treasure inside a treasure? :)
Lovely find!
Catherine said…
I didn't know that kit kat had been around so long Liz...long enough to be vintage eh. That's an awful lot of fab tapestry wool stuffed in to such a skinny tin...yahoo! Much love Catherine x
sky-blu-pink said…
Amazing! Just the sort of thing I love to find!
Trashsparkle said…
Double luck! Incredible how that much wool was crammed into the tin.... like Mary Poppins handbag ;) x
June said…
Gorgeous! Makes me want to go and get a Kit Kat with my cup of tea too!
bellaboo said…
Oh lovely,a double surprise!
Have you tried the new KitKat chunky's? The caramel one is my favourite.
Hope you have a lovely Sunday.It's bright and sunny here and the washing is on the line! :0)
Jem said…
This is brilliant, Liz!! Love it!

Jem xXx
Paulette said…
Lovely tin, it will look great tucked into your dresser.
what a find..had no idea kit kats ever came in a tin!?
Very vintage. Love this! :)

Lovely...tin and full of goodness. These are just the kind of finds that make it worth going and going back for more. Smiles...Rene
Anne said…
Fantastic find, dont you just love finding something like this?
Rachael said…
That is so lucky!!
what a great find I would have been happy with just the tin but the yarn makes it extra special
What a genius find, I really love the tin, it will go so well with your others. And the added extra makes it perfect.

***Faith Hope and Charity Shopping first blogiversary giveaway open now***
That is an awesome tin ......
Mum said…
Great find - a box full of colour.
Love from Mum
Jo said…
What an amazing find. The tin is fantastic as it is but to find all the thread too!
Yvette Adams said…
What an AWESOME tin!!!!!! I would so love to find something like that!
blackenpot said…
A very good find indeed, and a double one with all the yarns inside. I shall be going to a flea marked on saturday, looking forward to that.

Enjoy your brand new week.
That was a result Liz. I love the tin. LOve Linda x
Meg said…
Thanks for the hug Liz!
Riitta Sinikka said…
I love it! So nice!
gillyflower said…
What a gorgeous old tin full of lovely colour yarns - eye candy!
Kylie said…
How thrilled you must have been when you opened that tin x
Jill said…
Love that tin - a Kit Kat would be nice about now...
Claire said…
Oh wow, what a great find. Never seen one of these tins before and to have it filled with tapestry wool, bonus.

Claire :}

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