Bluebird of Happiness

Couldn't resist one last visit to the charity shops before the long weekend closure, and wow - was I lucky?  Oh yes indeedy!  Found this little beauty.  Its a lovely little milk jug with a bluebird on it.

Made in England by Grindley it is marked "The Victory".  

Doing some research I discovered that the bluebird symbolises happiness, cheerfulness, prosperity, hearth and home and lots of other positive qualities.  What a wonderful symbol as we approach a new year.

Many sailors have bluebird tattoos - you can read all about the symbolism of that here - its really interesting.

Treated myself to a few other little (new) bits and pieces too -

A lovely little tea cabinet.

And a chicken to add to my collection.

Oh well, that's my Christmas money spent - but I'm very happy!
Hope you've spotted some pretty things recently.

Love, Liz

I'm joining The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday.


Kestrel said…
What a gorgeous bluebird jug! A great find.
Paulette said…
Sounds like you had fun spending your Christmas cash!
The bluebird jug is charming, will you use it or just display the jug? I am off to read about symbolism.♥
sara said…
Hi Liz, some lovely CS finds there, the little bluebird milk jug is lovely.........we have many family members coming to lunch tommorow and a shortage of china..........a quick dash around the charity shops this morning and now I'm the proud owner of many many plates and dishes.......couldn't resist them, a whole basket of mixed china for £2.00.

Glad you enjoyed the video, best wishes for the New Year Liz........let's hope there's many other thrifty finds waiting for us in 2012. xx
Vintage Gal said…
Love the bluebird jug and the little chicken makes me smile ~ wonderful treasures ;-)
What a wonderful blue bird pitcher!
Money well spent!

I am your newest follower..I could not resist since you are in Scotland. My family castle is in Fintry! ...well of course we left it in about 1640. tee hee
OMG the little blue bird pitcher is a great find my sister and i would fight over it LOL

have A Happy New Year and thanks for coming over to my blog with your good comments

I love that little bird sweet!
Happy New Year!!!
Wendy said…
Fab find with the jug. One that makes charity shopping such a wonderful thing.

Most of the charity shops here are closed until next week - I am champing at the bit to get out and find some pretty things...need a bit of a CS fix. :)
Diann said…
Great thrift finds! The little blue bird pitcher is adorable and I like the little tea shelf! Thank you for being part of TTF and I hope you and your family have a very blessed 2012!
lovelygrey said…
Lovely jug - though it's reminded me of my favourite Gary Larson cartoon. The caption goes something like this.

'The bluebird of happiness long since flown from his life, Ned is visited by the chicken of depression.'
Scarlett said…
Oh Liz that jug is amazing, i'd have snapped that up too. I also love anything bluebird or swallow designed. Great link about the history. Much love Scarlett x
Tabbyroo said…
The bluebird jug is very pretty, interesting reading up on the symbolism as well thank you, Linda x
Kylie said…
I think your newest little jug is v. sweet Liz. I like how it's called Victory too.
When I was around seven I had a blue bird ring and matching earings. They were all the rage and I loved them.
I hope all the lovely things represented by your blue bird are yours in 2012 x
What a gorgeous jug, I have a thing for birds. The name is even more special.

Wishing you a wonderful New Year and a year full of happiness, good health and all things wonderful, Tam x
Unknown said…
I love the little blue bird jug, so pretty....
Happy New year Liz, thank you for all your lovely comments over the past year, wishing you lots of love and happiness :-) xx
bellaboo said…
Ooh,that jug would look good in my collection! ;0)
Hope you find lots of lovely bargains in 2012.

A very Happy New Year to you! :0)
Thanks for all the lovely comments.
Claire said…
Lia, I'm amazed that you found that gorgeous jug in a charity shop. It must've been waiting just for you, it's just delightful and that cute little chicken, I love it.
Wonder what colour eggs it lays, polka dotted ones?

Sweet tea cabinet too, you have certainly spent your money on some lovely things..........

All the very best for 2012 and thanks for visiting my blog and saying 'hi' during 2011......

Claire :}
Diann said…
Hi Liz! I'm back to let you know that I am featuring this post on this week's TTF linky party! The party post will be up tomorrow at 4:00. Hope to see you there!
Madison said…
Gorgeous milk jug! You did very well finding that one.

Madison xxx
MomWaldsPlace said…
Not only is it lovely, it's a birdie, and it's Grindley!

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