Sweet Little Cards

Found these gorgeous little flashcards in a charity shop yesterday.  They are reproductions by T J Whitney's Traditional Toys and are just so cute.

One side has the letter and the other has a pretty little picture with objects beginning with the letter.

The illustrations are so sweet!

The set is complete - amazing!

Think I might frame some of these, they are too pretty to be hidden in the box.

Love, Liz

Joining with Flea Market Finds for other lovely pieces.


Anne said…
I so well remember flash cards when I was a little child. I dont know whether they use that method now but arent the ones you bought gorgeous.
Scarlet said…
Those are lovely, and you're right - much too beautiful to be hidden away in their box.
Paulette said…
All of the flash cards and sweet and charming graphics - love them!
NowSoLA Vintage said…
The flashcards are so sweet & simply delightful!
Holiday Cheers ~ Lara
Kylie said…
Definetely too sweet to keep hidden away in a box Liz.
Did you receive my email regarding the kanga apron? I would absolutely love it, you're a darling for offering. I asked for your address too, please forward it to me when you get a chance. Thank you x
bellaboo said…
What a lovely find in the CS!
The illustrations are wonderful. They will look great in frames.I see these kind of things in the antique shops,already framed,and they cost a pretty penny! :0)
Deborah said…
Great find these are so cute!

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Nicole Needles said…
Hello, Liz! Another fab find. I have your Christmas swap parcel ready to go, so could you email me with your address at nicoleneedles@hotmail.co.uk. They'll be with you shortly!
Hi Liz,

These are so cute. Lucky find!!

I hope you are enjoying the holiday season : - )

Framing the cards is a fantastic idea, they are just gorgeous!

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