Shamrock Cottage

Once again I had a lucky linen find this week!

I saw this little table cloth in the charity shop - it was really grubby and I thought to myself - Liz, do you really need more shamrocks?  If you've been reading my blog for a while, you'll know that I already have a couple of shamrock table cloths.  But then, in one of its corners I spied something unusual - a lovely little Irish cottage!

Isn't it sweet?

Quite unusual, so, I had to have it!  A good overnight soak and it turned out fine.

Along with it came this shamrock tea cosy - I could hardly believe my luck!

So come and have tea!  We'll use the quaint cottage sugar and milk set.

And to tie in with the lovely lilac hills, we'll use the "Greenwood Tree" tea set.

Now - Ceylon or Earl Gray?

Love, Liz

I'm linking up with Her Library Adventures for Flea Market Finds.  Looking forward to seeing what you've found this week.


keshling said…
It all looks so sweet Liz - you really know how to put things together.

K xx
Unknown said…
Nothing more exciting then finding something that fills us up! Lovely little find. Congrats.:)
blackenpot said…
Lovely cloth with shamrocks, I just love the old fashioned embroided things.

PS You must excuse me If my english i s a bit funny sometimes. I've lived abroard so long and use another language daily, strange how words can disappear....

Thank you for sharing.
Earl Grey for me please in the gorgeous Greenwood Tree C & S .... Royal Albert quality and I've never seen it before. Lovely linen finds too x
Scarlet said…
That's absolutely beautiful, and how lovely that it came with a matching teacosy!
Mum said…
I think we need you at our Virtual Tea Party on the 1st November. I love the 'detail' on the tree.
Love from Mum
Kylie said…
Ceylon please. And you couldn't possibly have left that sweet tablecloth behind Liz...really now, could you? x
How charming, Liz! I love your beautiful linens!
Sylvia said…
What a beautiful table cloth, Liz !
So lovely with the tea set !
Enjoy your tea :-)
Wish you a nice week,
Used-to-Bees said…
Lovely tablecloth - makes me long to be tucked away in some cottage on the west coast of Ireland beside a roaring fire! The china complements it perfectly!
BeckyKay said…
How pretty! Can you really go wrong with shamrocks? I don't think so!

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