Postage Paid in Pies?

As you probably know by now, I'm always on the lookout for interesting books in charity shops.  I found this little gem earlier in the week.  It is from 1945 and is the Stanley Gibbons' Postage Stamp Catalogue.

There are some interesting little snippets about the restrictions and shortages during the war years.

There are some lovely illustrations of stamps from all corners of the former Empire and elsewhere.

Best of all, there were still some actual stamps attached to the inside of the book - just a few, but a great bonus!

Interesting stamps from pre-independence Indian states - didn't know that there was a currency called "pies"!

Lovely Queen Victoria Australian stamp.

Some really subtle differences in markings - can you spot them?

Zanzibar - I absolutely love that word - so evocative and mysterious!

I am so pleased with this little find - especially considering that it only cost me 50p!

Love, Liz


blackenpot said…
Thank you Liz for your kind comment on my blog. I'm newish in bloglandia and am looking for people with the same interests, and from the UK.

The tags cost nearly nothing to make, and i shall be taking part in a xmas event where shall be selling my goods.

I shal follow your blog with interest.

Enjoy your weekend.
lovelygrey said…
Really interesting post - thank you. I see stamps as little pieces of art and have surprised myself by featuring them as such on my own blog a few times.
Rachael said…
wow what a good book that would be to have a look through, vintage stamps always look far more pretty then their contemporary counterparts x
Fantastic find & a great price. Well done! Lizzie x
Pom Pom said…
Fascinating! Thank you for all the close ups! I think I'm in the mood to visit thrift shops. I must go tomorrow!
What an interesting treasure!!
It's a great find! Those stamps look very interesting.
Jacqui said…
Ah yes - Zanzibar! It sounds so mystical and spicy.
Nice to "meet" you. x
Kylie said…
You would love looking through my husband's childhood stamp albums Liz.
Unknown said…
Hi Liz, what a lovely little book, so hard to find treasure in the charity shops these day's, well done! xx
Vintage Jane said…
Brill find - these sell for a ridiculously high amount in our local Oxfam. M x
Hi Liz-

What a nice find! I think these original source books can teach us so much more about past eras than any modern day sources can. So much fascinating detail about postage from the war days! Very cool. :-)


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