Step Gable Shadows

Its a grey, dreich day in Greenock.  Its been raining since early this morning and I've already got my lights on and just put the central heating on - and its not yet three in the afternoon!
To cheer myself up I thought I'd post some pictures taken less than two weeks ago.

It was a beautiful day, the sun cast unusual shadows on this step-gabled house.

Hope the weather isn't too bad wherever you are.

Love, Liz


Pene said…
Well as I'm only about 20 miles away from you it's bloomin awful here!! Wet, grey and windy! Lovely to see pics of some sunshine especially as the weather forcast at lunchtime was for "SNOW" slightly further north BRRRR...
Pene x
Used-to-Bees said…
Poor you with that weather! Here it has suddenly turned from the warmth and sunshine of the weekend to grey and windy. I had to have the heating on for a while earlier in the day, as the wind seemed to have blown all the warmth of the last days out of the house!
Scarlett said…
Lovely photos. Chilly here this afternoon too - trying to resist putting the heating on - not sure how long that will last ;o) Scarlett x
pretty nippy here, but the sun is warm.
What beautiful photos Liz. I hope the weather is brighter for you today, sending sunshine, Tam x
blackenpot said…
Hi, it's terrible here, I'm living in Bergen where it is noted for all the rain. + it's blowig a gale.

Wished I was somewhere else right now!!
Thank you for sharing you thoughts.

Enjoy your day.
Unknown said…
Lovely photo's liz, it started off raining here but has brightened up now, hope you have some sunshine tomorrow xx
blackenpot said…
Hi again, I've tried to send a comment on your last post, but I cannot find it.

Thank you for the archive films. I was born and bred in Sunderland.
Loved seeing the old films.

Enjoy your weekend.

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