Linen and Lovely Things

I was beginning to think that vintage linens were becoming a bit scarce!

But I struck gold again this week with this lovely boxed Sundew Linen tray cloth.

Perhaps they are like buses - you wait for ages, then two come along at once!

Although the box may be a bit tatty, the linen itself is in fantastic condition - the colours of the embroidery are still bright and vivid.

I even love the labels!

I received a lovely gift from Marina at Vintage Jane recently.  The moment I picked the envelope up, I knew that there was going to be something wonderful inside - it smelt beautiful!  Sure enough, I was not disappointed!

Inside were some fab bits and pieces - buttons on vintage cards, and a beautiful lavender sachet - all wrapped up in vintage sheet music.  Marina makes the most pretty things - so go and check out her blog.  Thanks, Marina!

Love, Liz


Tina said…
The lines are so pretty and what lovely pressies!
Wow what beautiful pieces! There seems to be the opposite problem in my area lot's of linen but I have to many already. That gift is absolutely gorgeous lucky you.
Lovely linen. Are you going to use it as a tray cloth I wonder? Do people use such things these days? I saw on another blog a gorgeous patchwork cushion made with the embroidered bits of tray cushions and the like. Bye bye. xx
Pene said…
Okay you are going to have to share where you are finding all these gorgeous things as I am having NO luck at the mo!!
Pene x
Mary Poppins said…
Oh my adorable!! I too look out for lovely pretty linens, I think are like buses, don't see any for ages and then lots at once ;) Thank you for your feedback on my crying post, i just feel so glad that ( even though sometimes it may not be wanted ) but there are others too who would hold out a hand :) Am loving your blog!! xx
VintageVicki said…
Gorgeous linens and pressies :)
Karen S Booth said…
I am VERY envious, what beautiful linens.......gorgeous pressies!
Annie said…
The linen cloth is really pretty and I love the Deco labels, the graphics are great.
Ann x
How lucky to find them in their original boxes, so pretty. Marina's things are so great aren't they. I love the old cards. Have a great weekend, Tam x
Beautiful linen...even the label is gorgeous! Lovely gifts, too!
Catherine said…
I love linen embroided table cloth, very nice! Catherine
Anonymous said…
Love your Linens Liz, especially the floral ones.
Thanks for all your lovely comments. I do sometimes use my linens - but like the box with this one, so will keep it as it is for now. Found it locally and it only cost 50p! Very rare bargain these days.
Becks said…
Beautiful linens. And what a lovely little parcel.
Vintage Jane said…
I've just got round to catching up with my favourite blogs and what a surprise I had when I got to yours! Thanks honey - that was sweet and unexpected. Love all your linens - isn't it geat that all us vintage gals are rescuing them. M xx

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