Crowded Marriage!

"Well, there were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded."  This is probably the most famous quote from Diana, Princess of Wales' interview with Martin Bashir in November 1995 for the BBC.  It could certainly describe the marriage of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire (1757 - 1806) who was also member of the Spencer family.  In fact, crowded seems too feeble a word for the goings-on in Georgiana's life after her marriage to the fabulously wealthy Duke of Devonshire in 1774!

A friend gave me this biography "Georgiana Duchess of Devonshire" by Amanda Foreman and the DVD "The Duchess" starring Keira Knightley - with the advice to read the book before watching the film.  I'm glad I did!

The book is very good and gives an excellent insight into Georgiana's life.  I found that I had little sympathy for her, though.  Certainly, like every woman of her time she was a pawn in game of life ruled by men.  Her husband expected an heir, and until one was produced, she was deemed a failure as a wife and as a woman - it was never the man's fault, of course! 

A clever woman, Georgiana became involved in publically supporting the Whig party and allied herself with many of the politicians of the day, like Charles Fox.

However her personal life was extremely turbulent.  She gambled addictively and got into debt - in a big way!  She then borrowed money from anyone who would lend it (sometimes unwisely) - without telling her husband, who was unaware of the extent of her debt.  After producing the long-awaited heir, she had a passionate affair with Charles Grey, who later became prime minister (1830 - 1834).  She had an illegitimate child by him and was sent away for a while by her husband. 

The Duke, meanwhile, had an affair (one of many) with Georgiana's friend, Lady Elizabeth Foster, who actually lived in the family home for a while.  He had children by her.  Georgiana's sister, Henrietta, also had affairs and illegitimate children.  Everything seems to have been an open secret and the cartoonists of the day had a great time depicting the extreme fashions and behaviour of the upper classes.  I actually lost track of who's child was fathered by whom!

I didn't really enjoy the film as much as the book.  It seems just to concentrate on her married life and obviously expected the viewer to have sympathy with Georgiana and her marital situation.  Her gambling was merely alluded to.  However the costumes and settings are absolutely sumptuous!

So, Georgiana's was most definitely a crowded marriage! 
Love, Liz


GardenOfDaisies said…
This book sounds like a wonderful read! (I always try to read the book before I see the movie.)
Oh, I must read it. I have seen the film, as you said, fabulous costumes.
A great review, I've not yet attempted either the book or the DVD, but I think my MIL has the biography. How was Keira Knightley? Was she good, or just bland corset candy?
Hi Lakota - I'm not really a film person, so haven't seen anything else that Keira Knightley has been in. There were a lot of long, lingering looks - it was ... OK.
Mum said…
Some people live in another world, don't they?
Love from Mum
claire said…
i havent seen the film or read the book, but i think i must!
Unknown said…
Thanks for the review too! ,will definitely read the book first,theyre always better.
Love love all the intrigue and goings of yester year, they must of being exhausted !!!
....Keira knightely does do the longing looks quite well,but I must admit I enjoyed her movie Atonement.
But be warned It's sad
XX Manda XX
Kylie said…
sounds like nothing much has changed really...
I'm going to hunt down the book and watch the flick thanks to your review Liz. I'll let you know what I think x
vintageandart said…
l really enjoyed your review Liz..the book sounds like a wonderful (though complicated)read....yeh, film makers never let the truth get in the way of a good story do they...have a very lovely day.
haizi daizi said…
Hi Liz ~ I remember going to the cinema to see the film when it came out. I quite enjoyed it but I'm not a big fan of Kiera K. I have since read the book which was better than I thought it would be but some parts I did have to go back and read again as I couldn't keep up with all the different characters ~ (old age I think!) Haizi D

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