Still blooming lovely!

My poinsettia is still alive!  I blogged about it here.  Hubby bought it for me before Christmas and I had doubts about whether it would survive or not - it looked so fragile.  But it is still going strong!

It is amazing considering how cold it has been here in the house because we did not have any heating for four days!  Our boiler broke down on Friday night - no heating or hot water.  Fortunately we were able to get someone to come out on Saturday to see what could be done, but the boiler was totally broken down.  We got a new boiler put in on Tuesday.  By Tuesday evening we were back to a warm house.  Thankfully!

During the time of the big freeze I tried to be out of the house as much as possible.  In the evenings I sat on the sofa swathed in blankets and either sewed or crocheted.  I had a hot water bottle handy in case my hands got too cold!  Hubby took a photo of me like this - my grandsons thought it was hilarious!  No!!!!  I'm not putting it on my blog!!!!

I'm glad to say that things are now back to normal.  All my indoor plants survived their few days of cold and I actually got quite a lot of stitching done!  Hope things aren't too cold where you are!

Don't forget I'm on Instagram as Scottish Stitcher.

Love, Liz


Four days without heating sounds like quite the nightmare! Hurray for blankets and hot water bottles. Glad to hear all is back to normal, and how amazing that your Poinsettia survived the ordeal! xxx

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