Crochet obsession!

I seem to be a bit obsessed by crochet at the moment.  No sooner had I finished my Jolly Jubilee throw than my hands were itching to do some more crochet.  

So I decided to try and use up some of my odds and ends of yarn and start a multi-coloured crochet blanket.

It is a great way of using up the yarn leftover from other projects and makes a lovely, colourful blanket or throw.

All I have to do is decide which yarn I want to be the main outline colour.  But in the meantime this keeps me occupied while I'm watching tv or taking a break from cross stitch.

Love, Liz


Ooh, I'm loving all those delicious colours. Choosing one for your main outline won't be easy ... xxx
Such lovely cheerful colors, Liz. Your posts always brighten my day.

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