Vintage china and spring houses

 At last I finished this gorgeous cross stitch design - Spring Houses by Waxing Moon Designs.  

I love the colours in this.  You can stitch the houses separately as I did previously with the Christmas Houses.  I decided to stitch mine in a row and I'm really pleased with how it has turned out.  I added some flowers to the fences between the houses to give it a coherent look.

Which house would you like to live in?  I think I would like to live in the blue house with those lovely window boxes.

I looked out a lovely spring teacup and saucer - the colours just go so perfectly with this little stitch.  The cup and saucer are Hazeldean New Chelsea design and I got them in a charity shop a few years ago.  You can see more of them in my blog post here.

Now my usual big problem of how to finish this off!

Love, Liz


Jan said…
Very pretty! I did a set of Waxing Moon houses last year-wish I had thought to put them all together like this instead of stitching them separately. I love the way this looks!
Mylene said…
A beautiful finish and that is a lovely idea on stitching them on one piece.
Kim said…
Do you know, I could live in any one of those sweet little houses. Your street of houses is gorgeous. Such pretty colours and lovely cross stitching.
Beautiful job on your Waxing Moon trio. I love how you made yours into a little neighborhood. This is one of my favorite stitches. The Summer trio is in my WIP pile and I do need to pull it out. Seeing your Spring Trio motivates me. Happy stitching.
Olde Dame Holly said…
Beautiful teacup!!! I love the touch of flowers you added. It really does pull it all together perfectly.
The Spring houses are absolutely gorgeous, and I love the little flowers you added to the fences. I'd go for the blue house as well! And what a delightful cup and saucer! xxx
Beautiful Spring houses. The flowers between the houses and against the fences is a lovely idea, a good finishing touch. Gorgeous china which does indeed go so well with the houses cross-stitch. I am so looking forward to flea markets and car boot sales starting up again so I can go china hunting. It is so much fun. Keep well Amanda x
Christine M said…
Your houses are just lovely, Liz. Pretty tea cup and I love the doily.

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