Dresser change-over

I decided that it was high time that I changed over the bits and pieces in my dresser as I was getting a bit fed up looking at the same old stuff day after day!  So I emptied the shelves to give it a bit of a clean up.  (If you want to see what it looked like before then click here.  Although it has changed a few times since then.)

Left a few vintage plates in situ - I'll arrange other bits and pieces around them.  Of course the fairy lights are essential!

Love rose quartz - that's going back, somewhere.

Blast from the past - goodness only knows how long ago I stitched these.  The little wooden herb thingies were made by my husband - probably in the 1990s.  I just painted them and added fabric tops.

Unfortunately I didn't get it finished with the dresser - the lure of stitching and crochet called me (I got overwhelmed by the task!) and I left the rearranging for another day.  That's one of the good things about lockdown - you can leave stuff lying about because it is highly unlikely that you are going to get unexpected visitors and no one can see what a bad housekeeper you are!

I'll post some pictures when I get my dresser rearranged to my satisfaction ... could take a few days! Take care and stay safe and well.

Love, Liz


mamasmercantile said…
I laughed at your comment about leaving things lying around, it is the one positive about lockdown you do know that you are not getting visitors.
Granny Marigold said…
I went to the January 2016 post and saw how you had arranged your dresser in that post. I love it. It's delightfully crowded, a look I admire but somehow I always end up with a more spare look. Just for fun I'll go take a picture and post it later today.
I look forward to seeing how you arrange things now (once you've done stitching and crocheting of course).
Julie said…
Hello Liz. I have that very same plate in your first Photo - I love mine!! Your dresser looks wonderful - I laughed about not worrying about visitors turning up as I well remember when we were in lockdown early last year - I was exactly the same. Thanks for your visit to my blog & your lovely comment. xx
The vintage plates on your dresser are gorgeous, of course they've got to stay! Can't wait to see the revamped dresser! xxx

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