Crochet time

 I was really in the mood to start some crochet yesterday.  So, inspired by the colours in my latest cross stitch I gathered together all my odds and ends of wool in autumnal colours and got started.

There's something very calming and satisfying about crochet - that's what I find anyway.  The only bit I dislike is sewing in all the little ends of wool!  Here's one of my previous crochet blankets.

I don't need to concentrate too much on this, so it is perfect to keep me occupied when I am only half-watching tv.  (Not that there's much on to watch at the moment!)

Got out for a walk today in the lovely sunshine and the views of the snowy hills across the River Clyde were spectacular!  I am so lucky to live here.  Hope everyone is well and coping with the latest lockdown rules.  Let's keep crafting for our sanity!!!!

Love, Liz


Kim said…
Oh my goodness, your views are beautiful. In these troubled times and during lockdown, how wonderful to get out and about in such a peaceful setting. Your new crochet pretty looks fabulous. Love the colours of the yarn.
Olde Dame Holly said…
I hear you about the lockdown rules! Sometimes I am already to the door, keys in hand, and I remember that no, I'm not supposed to be going out and about for fun, just for essentials! So I put the keys down and see what I can do at home! Your new blanket is such pretty tones. And I love that vivid finished blanket! Are those "Granny Squares" and are they difficult?
Granny Marigold said…
That last picture is just so lovely. What a joy it would be to go walking with this view to inspire.
Yes, they are granny squares and they are not difficult once you get the hang of them! There are lots of tutorials on YouTube showing how to make them and that would be a good place to start if you are unsure.
Thanks for the lovely comments.
Stay safe.
Love, Liz
I'd love to be able to do granny squares and make a blanket. Yours is gorgeous, as I'm sure the new one will be. And what a heavenly view you have. You are indeed very lucky to live in such a beautiful area. xxx
Wow what beautiful scenery! Hopefully a balm for the new restrictions. Love the colours in your new project. Stay well x
Catherine said…
I wish i had this view !
Faith said…
Oh my Liz, this is stunning.

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