Sewing disaster!

The best laid plans often go wrong, don't they?  Or perhaps it's just me that these things happen to!
So, on Sunday I had a day of sewing planned.  Out came the machine, the Christmas fabric, scissors, thread etc.  I had four cross stitched pieces that I intended turning into little ornaments and pillows with fabric surrounds.  All went well and I got the first one finished -  Ding Dong (I always think of the actor Leslie Phillips when I use those words?????)

Started on number two and had a really wonky seam.  Now my sewing isn't great, but I was using gingham on this one, so I had straight lines to follow.  Couldn't work out what was going wrong.  By the time I got to sewing up the last bit - sewing machine decided to give up the ghost!  Arghhhhh!

Hubby was away or I would have called him in to have a look at it.  I have to admit that all this year it has been causing me trouble, but he has managed to coax it into working again.  Mind you, it is 40 years old!  I bought it the first year we were married.  So I've had a lot of good use from it (sewing machine, that is, not hubby, although .....).  You can see a post about my sewing machine here.

So big decision - do I get a new machine now or wait and see if Santa's elves have been listening to my wishes.  (Lets hope they weren't listening to my language on Sunday!).  Think I'll wait.  Might get a bargain in the sales!  Hope your sewing efforts have gone without too much bother recently!

Love, Liz


Sheila said…
I love your little ornament.
So sorry about your machine and I do hope Santa is good and brings you a new one.
Kezzie said…
It looks SO nice! I love Ding Dong merrily on High! I hope the machine fairies have been listening and you get a new one!
Sorry to hear about your sewing machine woes. Surely Santa will take pity on you! xxx

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