
There's something very relaxing about white, don't you think?

I thought by now I would have added lots of colour to my kitchen after its makeover earlier this year, but I've not.  I still love the simplicity of keeping things white.

It is well and truly autumn now and I'm actually quite glad.  This summer was very busy and somehow I never seemed to find the time to get any crafting done.  So now that it is over I can settle down to a slower routine and hopefully get back to my knitting and sewing.

Looking forward to catching up with your lovely blogs.

Love, Liz


Sheila said…
So lovely to see you back again.
Lovely to see you around, Liz! xxx
Crimson Kettle said…
Nice to see you again after your busy Summer.
Christina said…
I find white very calming, too but I also like a splash of colour. You have a lovely jug of flowers on your kitchen table.
Vix said…
I love your white flowers the that lovely white jug. xxx
Susanne said…
I vacillate on white, whether it is calming or boring. It seems to have it's place in both camps. The shape of things certainly comes into play when using white - that pitcher is a lovely example of how shape adds interest.

Now I'm off the checkout the makeover.

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