Autumn colour

What did I say in my last post about quieter times of autumn?  Well, that hasn't happened so far!  Still not much crafting taking place, unfortunately.

However I did find time to set up this little autumn scene.  Some gorgeous flowers - can anyone tell me what they are?

The autumn leaves garland is fake, but looks ok I think.  The huge pine cones were a gift from a neighbour a few years ago.  Just a little bit of autumn brought indoors.

One question! - How can it be the 20th of October already?????!!!!!!!  Where did the earlier part of the month go?

Love, Liz


Sheila said…
Lovely Autumn display Liz.
I think the chunkier one of your flowers might be a Protea but I'm not sure about the other's very pretty though.
October has flown hasn't it? I've actually bought a Christmas present this afternoon :( as we did have time to pop out for an hour after all.
I'm loving your little Autumn display, Liz, and I do hope that your weather's a bit better up there than it is in Belgium. I'd love to go on a leaf-kicking Autumn walk but we had nothing but rain for the past three weeks or so ... xxx
Beautiful Autumnal colours and display x
Jean said…
Your display is beautiful but I don't know what the flowers are.
Crimson Kettle said…
What a beautiful arrangement.

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