Tidying up - a little!

I've been looking for something to keep all my cross stitch patterns and bits and pieces in and I found this gorgeous thing!  It looks a bit like one of those old fashioned contraptions which you put on the back of your front door to stop letters falling on the floor.  It is ideal for my purposes.

It also fits in with the decor in my living room, so I can have it on display.  All the stuff that's in it was previously in a pile - very messy looking!  With this I can find what I'm looking for easily.

So, it keeps my Cross Country Stitching magazines from the 90s, my "thread that I'm not using at the moment" box and my shiny new patterns.  Had to add a little ceramic heart to brighten it (and me) up a little!

I got it at Dunelm Mill, they had a letter rack to go with it - tempted, but this is enough for now.

Hope you are having a great Friday.  I plan to get some stitching done this afternoon - all being well.

Love, Liz


Vix said…
I love that wire basket - I'd attach that to a garden wall and stick some ivy in it! xxx
What a great and stylish storage solution, Liz! Funny, but like Vix I was thinking it would look great planted up too! xxx
Maggie said…
The wire basket is a great storage for charts. I vaguely remember being able to store my charts in one basket, lol It is an addictive hobby, although I am not buying so many charts now and tending to go stash diving when I want something new to start rather than buy something else.
Love your new charts btw :-)

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