Those were the days my friend

I was rummaging through my old FAB 208 Annual from 1971 for a nostalgia hit!  Oh boy - isn't it amazing to look back - seems like a whole different world.

Love these photographs of Tony Blackburn "at home".  Look at that living room unit - my Mum had one of those.  In fact we had one when we were first married - I thought I was so trendy!

The kitchen - wow to the floral canisters! 

Another page features some of those who were famous at the time.  Doesn't Sandie Shaw look gorgeous in that photo!

Ah well, that was a fun break, but now - back to the cross stitch!

Love, Liz


Pam said…
I bought one of those units for my Mum, she still had it when she died. My sister has it now in her conservatory. All those names, so many memories.
NanaDiana said…
Sometimes I look back and can't believe so many years have passed and I think about them fondly---life was much more innocent for most of us back then...laid back and we had "causes"-the Vietnam War-etc. Have a beautiful day!! xo Diana
mamasmercantile said…
Lots of lovely memories. My mum has a very similar unit.
Mary said…
Those were the days!! Great music!!! Funny that I see Canned Heat there, on my morning walk with my brother we were talking about how the classic rock stations play the same songs over and over. He said he never hear Canned Heat or Traffic. Now, I have to You tube it because I forgot their hits! Have a great week. Mary@stitchingfriendsforever
What a trip down memory lane, Liz! Indeed, these were totally different - and certainly more innocent - times. I love Sandie Shaw and those floral canisters caught my eye as well! xxx
Julie said…
Having a catch up read after a week at the seaside ...
My Mother in law had one of those units, held a lot of stuff too!
Pretty stitching you have been doing, the finished pillow is pretty.
Great new basket for the stash to be kept tidy in.
Crimson Kettle said…
It's not what I imagined Tony Blackburn's house to be like but the rooms bring back memories like those floral canisters.
Maggie said…
I had one of those units too when I was first married, lol
My eye was drawn to the cooker! those rings that glowed red hot!!
and the TV, lol

It's nice to look back at how things have changed
Thanks for sharing
Vix said…
I do remember Fab 208! What a groovy cover, the colours and graphics are wonderful. Can't say I've ever been a fan of Tony Blackburn though! x

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